The Grey Chronicals


Since I decided to take a break in April/May you guys missed out on some great things that happened.
One of those things is my hair .
Almost year ago I started entertaining the idea of having gray hair . I have been graying since I was 12. I have never dyed my hair in fear of going all gray but mainly for the fun of it .
I told a couple people to get their opinion because there was no one in our city who had it.And I should have known not to take value to their opinions. But they were like who does that ? That's dumb.
Side eye
Also it was kinda hard to just go for it since  I didn't have a stable hair stylist.
But luckily after the 2014 December hair catastrophe I started going to Justin's cousin, Jessica. I even mustarded up the courage to tell  her what I wanted . And she told me she could do it. She'd never done it on natural hair but she's done it on weave .
I was over the moon !

Unfortunately the color did not stick . So I had to come back to try again. But on the plus side  I got this cool Carmel to work with for  a couple weeks. Woot woot!

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