So on May 2 my friend Hoguii and I ( plus her friend Dontae) did the Color Dash 2015. I had all the confidence in the world that I would be beasting out this race but everything that could have went wrong - went wrong.
Why this raced sucked!
I'm fat
This is not as fun as The Color Run ( I knew that would happen)
I lost JMN's Bluetooth headset- and didn't realize it until I was half way done with the race
I had NO music
Hoguii and Dontae were wayyy ahead of me and I finished the race by myself :(
The volunteers seemed like they were afraid to hit me with color
the race was 3.6 miles instead of 3!
I forgot my Garmin
So I have 4 more races to attend this year to meet my quota- I gotta get on it!
Yoga with the kids-
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