When I was a little girl I use to gripe about wanting to live in a apartment. A few of my friends and their families lived in apartments. There was this one complex that use to be popular in my town that was near my elementary school. My grandmother would tell me your friends are very lucky to have to home but you should want to live in a house , a house that you own. I would tell her over and over no I don't want that I want an apartment. Obviously I didn't get it. I thought apartments were like hotels. Huge beds, pools, and people came to clean them when you left for the day.

Many of you guys know I moved out of my parents home when I was 17. No real reason but I wanted to be closer to my friends, and I wanted boys over. ( wink )

3603 has been a home I had been going to since a small child. My mother actually grew up in this house and its next door to my gg Annie's house. My brother lived here a couple years in the 90s and destroyed it . After than I guess in my mind it was understood it belonged to me.

Its always makes me feel good to know that I have multiple places to go to that belong to me.  I know that's a strange statement and I am aware that I am beyond blessed .
So when I went to give it is first mowing of the summer it made me fall in love with it all over again. I just have some many memories, and I don't think anyone will understand this house for what it means to me just by looking at it.

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