Staring Jake Johnson & Damon Wayans Jr
Let me tell you. I would have never seen this movie if it wasn't for my other half. We were actually going to the movies to see Sex tape but had a ridiculous amount of time before it started. I knew he wanted to see Lets be Cops and I striked a bargain with him and we got to see both movies.
I am not familiar with Jake Johnson. And I only know Damon Wayanas Jr existed because I mean... his name is Damon Wayans Jr. Who doesn't know who is father, uncles and aunt are. ( side eye if you are having to google this)
On to the review....
This movie is unrealistic. I think the "P" word was stated too many times to count. And that movies like this give regular people ideas that they could actually pull this off in real life. There's drugs, and I think some boobs ( always...) This movie is def for the male who sits at home and scratches his balls all day with a video game controller in the other hand.
AMN Rating : 1.5/5
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