Branson MO

Nothing like a really cheap mini vacation to make you happy? Last year I was goofing around Bass Pro Shop with my friend E. We got stopped by one of those annoying sales kiosk . But this time it was a boat raffle and a 7 night stay at a lodge. I am no one to turn down free. and if I so happen to win a trip I would be super excited. About a month later I got a call from some rep at Bass Pro offering me a 3 day 2 night stay in Vegas. Our anniversary was coming up soon and I really wanted to take fat to Vegas. So I paid $149 to stay at one of these fancy pants casinos. They told me I could pick the dates later. I triple checked when I would receive confirmation of my purchase and waited.
As our anniversary got closer and closer I learned that our company was going to take us on a cruise 2 days before I wanted to go to Vegas. After I spoke with my supervisor and fat we decided to just use the cruise as our anniversary trip. 

Months went by and we still hadn't use our Vegas vacation. With the holidays just passing we didn't have a whole lot set aside to spend in Vegas and I couldn't get a flight out of Shreveport on the weekend so  we changed it to Branson Mo. Neither of us have ever been and since we heard how awesome it is we could go on a weekend get away.

Branson is about 6/8 hours away  from our home and let me tell you there are some twist and turns along the way. It was one of the most beautiful drives I have driven in a while. Normally on road drives I drive the entire way going and then JMN drives in the city and he drives back half way and I finish the rest.
I have literally been waiting 7 months to finish this post but I didn't have the rest of the pictures to pull it all together. ( shout out to EJ)  I have broken up our trip in 3 separate post a couple weeks ago I did one on our adventure at TJ Maxx. So if you really don't want to read what I'm talking about just look at the pictures.
 I take every opportunity to reverse and pull over on the side of the road to get pictures by state welcome signs. Thank goodness JMN loves me . I am not sure everyone would put up with this much corniess.

 This is a picture out of our Hotel window at the Radisson. Our hotel was BOMB


There is a need to always ride a pony when you see one .. Even if its in public and a elderly couple laughs at you....
Also I have never watch Harry Potter in my life but for some reason I think that someone from the case would wear what I have on... Pinterest is to blame for my Harry Potter knowledge.

Branson has a Tanger Outlet in the most strangest location. I didn't even realize it was there and I can usually stiff out a Tanger miles away. it was beautiful there was a Gap American Eagle Nike Fossil  and Old Navy. And let me tell you we had an hour and I all those places and came out with some amazing stuff. for CHEAP. I bought this amazing men sweater that is something reminiscent of Mr. Rodgers and Bill Cosby . It is maroon and blue with huge buttons and super warm. Originally priced at 69.99 and I got it for 8.52.
The cashier was wayyyy jealous. Now you might think to yourself you wrote went to Branson 7 months ago how in the heck to your remember exact prices. My response to that is I have no clue but I am gifted in remembering things when I get them for a good price. I can run down several celebrities entire life. But I couldn't for the life of me tell you what color my neighbors house is next door to me. ( humps shoulders)  Its a gift and a curse.

There was a General Store call Dicks. ( inappropriate smirk )

This is a Damnit Doll and I had no idea what these were until I met MB.

Bacon everything


In downtown Branson they have this out door shopping mall called Branson Landing. Its real fancy. Theres a stage, a train system, and tons of shopping and hotels. It was real fancy. There was the nicest Bass Pro shop I have ever seen. And I had to pose with some of the local celebrities.

Food wise there wasn't much. I remember eating at an ole school diner that was real expensive and the burgers were small &greasy . I got really excited about parmesan fries and they were disgusting. There was an Applebees and I haven't eaten there in a while but here was a grandma in there drunk as a skunk sitting across from us so that was entertaining. We even had to eat at Taco bell that's how scare food was. I hadn't had Taco Bell since 2006.

The night before we left it out outrageous cold. Then it rained and so on so forth. When we checked out the Radisson and walked 50 miles to the car in the wind and rain ( 4 puffed later) the windshield on Ali was frozen ) And like I stated we were 50 miles from the front door there was no way we could get there safely to get water  to put on the windshield to melt the ice and did I fail to mention there was a Star Wars convention going on at our hotel so the hotel staff was over their head. So we sat in the car until the ice finally melted off the windshield.

Sort of melted.. Can you see the road? its covered in snow. We are from LA we don't know how to drive in snow. We were driving 40 miles per hour then we got stuck behind a snow plow and we went 20 mph. JMN drove us all the way in because there was no way I was going to be responsible for driving my precious car in this mess. Before we starved we found a Sonic and ordered the entire menu. It was glorious. I subjected JMN to listening Pharells new album and about15 interviews from my favorite radio station Power 105.1 The Breakfast Club .

Yes we stopped in the snow for me to get this picture of the AR sign.

All in all it was a great get away.



  1. I have never been to Branson but I have been to that GIANT Bass Pro and it's amazing!!! We were there for hours!!! LOL
