I know sometimes I can seem real business like or straight to point and I don't really share much about me as a person.
I ran across this title from a blogger that I read and thought it would be a good idea.
So instead of Sunday Social I am going to try to commit to once a month where I just tell you 8 things about me that you might not know otherwise.
I might even make a cute little Meme to go with it.... ( I gotta figure out how to do that)
Today I am going to be basic.
1. For all of you who have no idea what AMN2 means.. It means Alisa Mae Nelson Nelson
2. My favorite color up until college was pink.
3. I had chickens as a pet when I was younger
4. I am the youngest of 3 kids.
5. I have lived in Louisiana my entire life.
6. I love to travel.
7. I use to be obsessed with the singer Brandy . She is still one of my favorites.
8. My hair is the shortest its ever been in my entire life right now. And I am kinda freaking out about.
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