Being Mary Jane ++ TV SHOW++ Review

I am not sure how hip my readers are so excuse me if i am saying  stuff that y'all already know.
How many people watch BET? * Crickets*
How many people know who Gabrielle Union is? * Crickets* 

So BET ( Blake Entertainment Television) has been in business for 34 years. But In July of 1983 it became a 24 hour network. So from 1983  until about 2010 it featured syndicated TV shows. AKA shows that were not originally produced and created for the network itself. ( this does not include Video Gold and 106 & Park) ( i am speaking about scripted TV shows) 

I heard about Being Mary Jane about a year ago. I spend a lot of my spare time watching interviews and reading gossip blogs. There was an interview with Gabrielle Union  * you might know her from  10 Things I Hate About You - Bring it On-Bad Boyz II- Daddy's Little Girls etc* and she was speaking about the project. 

On July 2, 2013 , BET ran Being Mary Jane as an hour and a half long movie. With a million plus viewers the show was on its way to being a hit. Being Mary Jane was not released as a television show until January of 2014. Season 1 had 8 episodes and Season 2 just wrapped up not too long ago.
Being Mary Jane is about Pauletta ( Mary Jane Paul) She is a TV reporter who comes from a family who she views as needing her all the time. Mary Jane's father use to be someone important in the society that they live in so they were well off. She has 2 brothers one a recovering addict that relapses. He has several kids and their kids  and a girlfriend that lives with him and his parents. A younger brother who is in school trying to live up the standards that Mary Jane has left behind but money is on his mind and the only way to get it is to sell drugs . Mary Jane's mother is also chronically sick. Her father takes care of her.
Minus Mary Jane's family she is living the life. Nice home, nice car, beautiful, hard working and with good friends. The only thing that is really missing is a man , a ring and children. And when she things she has found all of that she finds out her boyfriend is married with 2 children. His wife is very important in the community and from there Mary Jane kind of falls apart. So now this boyfriend is no more . And she has to did with the harassing phone calls, the occasional weakness, and telling her friends that she was actively sleeping with a married man. Old flames come in and out her life and Mary Jane is looking for a balance and future security. And sometimes security means going through drastic measures to ensure it.
I really like this show and I hope that BET is able to keep it for several season so we can live out the gains and the losses of being  beautiful and successful Mary Jane Paul.
Season 2 doesn't have a premiere date yet but I am hoping no later than March 2015.

Branson MO

Nothing like a really cheap mini vacation to make you happy? Last year I was goofing around Bass Pro Shop with my friend E. We got stopped by one of those annoying sales kiosk . But this time it was a boat raffle and a 7 night stay at a lodge. I am no one to turn down free. and if I so happen to win a trip I would be super excited. About a month later I got a call from some rep at Bass Pro offering me a 3 day 2 night stay in Vegas. Our anniversary was coming up soon and I really wanted to take fat to Vegas. So I paid $149 to stay at one of these fancy pants casinos. They told me I could pick the dates later. I triple checked when I would receive confirmation of my purchase and waited.
As our anniversary got closer and closer I learned that our company was going to take us on a cruise 2 days before I wanted to go to Vegas. After I spoke with my supervisor and fat we decided to just use the cruise as our anniversary trip. 

Months went by and we still hadn't use our Vegas vacation. With the holidays just passing we didn't have a whole lot set aside to spend in Vegas and I couldn't get a flight out of Shreveport on the weekend so  we changed it to Branson Mo. Neither of us have ever been and since we heard how awesome it is we could go on a weekend get away.

Branson is about 6/8 hours away  from our home and let me tell you there are some twist and turns along the way. It was one of the most beautiful drives I have driven in a while. Normally on road drives I drive the entire way going and then JMN drives in the city and he drives back half way and I finish the rest.
I have literally been waiting 7 months to finish this post but I didn't have the rest of the pictures to pull it all together. ( shout out to EJ)  I have broken up our trip in 3 separate post a couple weeks ago I did one on our adventure at TJ Maxx. So if you really don't want to read what I'm talking about just look at the pictures.
 I take every opportunity to reverse and pull over on the side of the road to get pictures by state welcome signs. Thank goodness JMN loves me . I am not sure everyone would put up with this much corniess.

 This is a picture out of our Hotel window at the Radisson. Our hotel was BOMB


There is a need to always ride a pony when you see one .. Even if its in public and a elderly couple laughs at you....
Also I have never watch Harry Potter in my life but for some reason I think that someone from the case would wear what I have on... Pinterest is to blame for my Harry Potter knowledge.

Branson has a Tanger Outlet in the most strangest location. I didn't even realize it was there and I can usually stiff out a Tanger miles away. it was beautiful there was a Gap American Eagle Nike Fossil  and Old Navy. And let me tell you we had an hour and I all those places and came out with some amazing stuff. for CHEAP. I bought this amazing men sweater that is something reminiscent of Mr. Rodgers and Bill Cosby . It is maroon and blue with huge buttons and super warm. Originally priced at 69.99 and I got it for 8.52.
The cashier was wayyyy jealous. Now you might think to yourself you wrote went to Branson 7 months ago how in the heck to your remember exact prices. My response to that is I have no clue but I am gifted in remembering things when I get them for a good price. I can run down several celebrities entire life. But I couldn't for the life of me tell you what color my neighbors house is next door to me. ( humps shoulders)  Its a gift and a curse.

There was a General Store call Dicks. ( inappropriate smirk )

This is a Damnit Doll and I had no idea what these were until I met MB.

Bacon everything


In downtown Branson they have this out door shopping mall called Branson Landing. Its real fancy. Theres a stage, a train system, and tons of shopping and hotels. It was real fancy. There was the nicest Bass Pro shop I have ever seen. And I had to pose with some of the local celebrities.

Food wise there wasn't much. I remember eating at an ole school diner that was real expensive and the burgers were small &greasy . I got really excited about parmesan fries and they were disgusting. There was an Applebees and I haven't eaten there in a while but here was a grandma in there drunk as a skunk sitting across from us so that was entertaining. We even had to eat at Taco bell that's how scare food was. I hadn't had Taco Bell since 2006.

The night before we left it out outrageous cold. Then it rained and so on so forth. When we checked out the Radisson and walked 50 miles to the car in the wind and rain ( 4 puffed later) the windshield on Ali was frozen ) And like I stated we were 50 miles from the front door there was no way we could get there safely to get water  to put on the windshield to melt the ice and did I fail to mention there was a Star Wars convention going on at our hotel so the hotel staff was over their head. So we sat in the car until the ice finally melted off the windshield.

Sort of melted.. Can you see the road? its covered in snow. We are from LA we don't know how to drive in snow. We were driving 40 miles per hour then we got stuck behind a snow plow and we went 20 mph. JMN drove us all the way in because there was no way I was going to be responsible for driving my precious car in this mess. Before we starved we found a Sonic and ordered the entire menu. It was glorious. I subjected JMN to listening Pharells new album and about15 interviews from my favorite radio station Power 105.1 The Breakfast Club .

Yes we stopped in the snow for me to get this picture of the AR sign.

All in all it was a great get away.


Movie review: Into the Storm

Into the Storm (2014) Poster

When I saw the previews for this movie I was thinking oh a modern day Twister . Do we really need to rehash the depressing story that happened in that movie? And I don't know what made me drag my other half out to the movies to see but I am glad I we went. This is most def an emotional movie. At one point JMN was covering his eyes because it was just that action packed.

I do not know any of the cast but they all did a really good job. I remember after watching the movie it made me feel thankful that my family and I have not had to go through something as terrifying as a tornado . Also sad for the families who have been.
Into the Storm

AMN2 Rating 2.5/5

I Know What You Did Last Summer.

I Know What You Did Last Summer
While Blog trolling last week I found out thru PITNB that I Know What You Did Last Summer is getting remade. This was one of my favorite 90s movies . My parents actually let me see it in theaters. All of my generations greats were in it. Jennifer Love Hewitt, Freddie Prince Jr ,Sarah Michelle Gellar , and for Part 2 Brandy was in it.
The funny thing is I just watched both of these with my nieces a month ago. I bought them off Amazon about 6 months ago. Isn't that ironic?
I am usually not down with remakes. But I am hoping they will at least but Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Prince Jr in it somewhere. Because if they don't it will be the same. But I guess that's the point of a remake. All new characters and twists. Did you guys know this movie is based on a book from the 70s? nah me either.

I Know What You Did Last Summer

Six Flags over Texas

When you are a kid amusement parks are the END ALL of excitement. Of course when I was little I didn't get a chance to get that out of my system. Dont start thinking that my parents are horrible people but it was just be I didn't really get to hang out with friends or cousins so if we went to the fair it was just me riding all the rides alone. Disney? same thing. So my parents weren't all excited to take me to six flags and junk . Don't feel sorry for me my life gets better.
In the 10th grade I was taking Spanish 1 and my friend  Rayme ( as I affectionately call him) joined Spanish club. With our luck we were able to go on the Spanish Club trip to San Antonio Texas with a stop at Six Flags . I was ecstatic! Although the pictures really don't show it. That was the year my computer crashed and I lost over 600 pictures..( Omg it still hurts.) Dang Gateway. So I only have 2 pictures to commemorate this glorious event.

Check out that sweat suit... makes me look like the pink panther. Also Rayme Katie and myself were the only Sophomores, and there were several cute Jrs and Seniors I knew from band. I was in heaven... oh the memories.
Fast forward to 2014.
JMN best friend wanted to take one of his concubines to Six Flags and told JMN that he had tickets for us all. After serious begging from JMN I decided I should go because this man rarely asks me to do anything . My only stipulation was that we stay with my BFF in Dallas. ( SHOUT OUT)
A good morning turned into a horrible day.
The ride I attempted to get on was the very one from the picture above. When I tell you it was the most embarrassing depressing situation in my life . I mean it was at my very top.
My butt literally sat me above the sit and the buckle couldn't reach. I was soooo hurt. I texted my BFF and cried. After that I boycotted all other rides at Six Flags. And after spending over $160 for tickets because JMN best friend lied about the ticketing situation( which further pissed me off and the only convincing factor of me going in the first place)
Did I mention it was hot as BALLS>  Dramatics Tears and Heat don't mix.

 It took me 24 hours to get over it. And the only reason why I did was because I started thinking about Kim Kardashian. Do you think she could put her big ole booty on a 6 flags ride? ( I'm going to say no) What about Serena Williams? Nicki Minaj? Iggy Azalea? JLO?

I mean I am in good company so why on earth would I be sad?

Movie Review : No Good Deed

Over the years I have really began to like Taraji. She came on the big screen kinda out of no where. Or it could have been my age with the characters in the films she has been portraying. She is gorgeous and that angled bob she normally has is really amazing. Plus my oldest niece name is Taijah so anytime I hear Taraji it makes me think of her because they are some similar so that brings across a smile on my face.
Irdis... this man is FINE. no other way to explain that. AND he is British. A brown good looking man from London .. please tell me where I need to remove my undies. because he is something serious. One of my favorite movies he stars in is Takers. Please watch it you will love it. Great movie for couples.
This movie is still in theaters so I don't want to give it away because I don't think people go to the movies enough and the movie theater experience really made this movie so much funner ( that's not a word). Girls take your girlfriends to see this. Guys if you aren't a doucher take your girlfriends.
The preview really gives the entire synopsis of this movie. Watch it Here
AMN2 Rating 3.5/5

More about Me Mondays

One thing I really enjoy about reading blogs are the feeling you get when you have been reading someone's life a really long time and you think that you know them. Like they are your friend and they are leaving their/our daily conversation in your inbox.
I know sometimes I can seem real business like or straight to point and I don't really share much about me as a person.
I ran across this title from a blogger that I read and thought it would be a good idea.
So instead of Sunday Social I am going to try to commit to once a month where I just tell you 8 things about me that you might not know otherwise.

I might even make a cute little Meme to go with it.... ( I gotta figure out how to do that)
 Today I am going to be basic.
1. For all of you who have no idea what AMN2 means.. It means Alisa Mae Nelson Nelson
2. My favorite color up until college was pink.
3. I had chickens as a pet when I was younger
4. I am the youngest of 3 kids.
5. I have lived in Louisiana my entire life.
6. I love to travel.
7. I use to be obsessed with the singer Brandy . She is still one of my favorites.
8. My hair is the shortest its ever been in my entire life right now. And I am kinda freaking out about.

Book Review ++ A Wanted Woman++ Eric Jerome Dickey

I came across the book on Amazon. I was looking for a book on tape. As you can see via the review tab on my blog I haven't read a book in some time. With work and trying to study for the GRE I haven't had any time.  Eric Jerome Dickey is one of my favorite writers I started reading his work in the 10th grade. You can check out my last review on some of his work Here .
Audible has a 30 day audio book trial. You can try 1 book for 30 days . After that you can continue your membership for $20 a month for unlimited books or cancel. I canceled my membership after reading/ listening to A Wanted Woman.
It took me about 4 days to listen to this book. Many nights I went to sleep with this book playing in my ears. it was very relaxing and it was no problem to restart where left off. The narrators were very clear and easy to understand. And they didn't take away from your imagination of how you would picture someone's speech or demeanor. At least not from me.
This book started off a little slow. Basically a little girl who was taken away from her school by a man she did not know who claimed to be her father. Her mother was murdered by the wife of their preacher that her mother had been sleeping with for some time now.
The girl really had no clue who her father was and the school officials allowed him to take her out of school and take her across country. Her fathers name was Reaper. He was a contract killer. He would take her to school everyday do his business pick her up in the afternoons do homework then teach her how to workout and defend herself. This happened everyday unless he had to go out of town to handle business.
Finally the little girl grew older and decided she wanted to work for the family business and her father got her in. Then he disappeared.
I don't want to give away all of what happened in the book but lets just say everything does not always go as planned. It is so easy to change who you are to mask your real identity. This book taught me that. Also it makes me fearful to travel out of the United States to some of the places that American may call peaceful and relaxing.  Because we have no idea how their culture works and although the people who might serve us are nice and accommodating they might not always feel that way and also you have no idea who is watching you.
There are so good fights in this book. Eric Jerome Dickey is very detailed when it comes to explaining a situation , he makes it seem like you are front row center watching everything that occurs. There are 2 parts of the book that I really did not enjoy . If you are a seasoned Eric Jerome Dickey reader one of the most repeated/ most noted is the characters sexuality or sexual encounters.  This book has a serious lack of sex. There might have been 2 scenes. I am not use to this and according to Good Reads neither is anyone else .
The second that I did not like about this book is there is a very explicit rape scene. I do not know how someone prepares themselves for writing and reading a rape scene. I feel like there might have been some preparing for this scene that would rub others the wrong one. By no means am I saying that he raped someone . Goodness no but maybe watching hardcore porn or it could be as simple as knowing someone who has been through a similar situation.  I thinking if I would have been actually reading this book I would have put it down or skipped it.
Overall  I enjoy writers who are consistent in material. And I believe Eric Jerome Dickey was rehashing the trilogy that wrote that so many fans fell in love with a couple years ago.  Although I loved those books this one I didn't quite fall into the same place.
The twenty-first novel from New York Times bestselling author Eric Jerome Dickey, a steamy thriller set in tropical Barbados

She is a woman of a thousand faces, an assassin who could be anyone, anywhere.

The Trinidad contract was supposed to be simple: to make a living man become a dead man. When the job goes bad under the watchful eye of a bank security camera, there is nowhere for agent MX-401, known as Reaper, to hide from the fearsome local warlords, the Laventille Killers.

Her employers, the Barbarians, send her to Barbados, the next island over, barely two hundred miles away, with the LK’s in hot pursuit of the woman who took many of their own. With the scant protection of a dank safe house, no passport, and no access to funds, an island paradise becomes her prison.

While she trawls for low-profile assignments to keep her skills sharp and a few dollars in her pocket, Reaper discovers that family ties run deep, on both sides of the fight. Will the woman everyone wants, who has lived countless lives in the service of others, finally discover who she really is?

In A Wanted Woman, New York Times bestselling author Eric Jerome Dickey delivers an adrenaline-pumping rush of a read.
AMN Rating C