Top 5

The other night i was scrolling through Hulu.  
 i never do that but I'm glad i did.  i discovered that you can watch movies. Yes i know this is sad because I've had hulu an entire year and had no idea. 
i came across Top Five and i vaguely remember someone telling me they didn't like it so i decided to watch for myself..

Top Five is HILARIOUS.
I've always liked Chris Rock. He has dry humor that i really enjoy. Plus this cast is a bunch of heavy hitters!

Reasons why i love this movie...
Theres a character in the movie who loves big girls and i don't think that "guy" in movies are ever represented.
Hot sauce tampon
Date being close to screwing
Gabby Sidibe


The Chubby Chef

Its no secret, i can't cook. Luckily JMN is an amazing cook and he makes us dinner sometimes. He is not shy to get out a cook book, look online, or even at Pinterest.

Brown Sugar

 "When did you first fall in love with Hip-Hop?"
I fell in love with music and " the arts" at a young age. I was always aware that I would never produce these things but I appreciated others talents.

I've always loved TV & movies. From a very young age I used them to escape  from my surroundings. The first tv I bought I was btw- 12-14. It  was a Sullivan. 9/13 inch tv with the combo vhs player for a whopping  $109  from SAMS. This purchase  quite possibly was the first tv I ever had in my room.

When I moved out at 17 I  brought that tv with me . It was def a talking point of my house because it was so small. Everyone would laugh because they knew how into movies and TV I was but didn't understand how I could enjoy it on such a small screen. 

One of the first movies I bought was Brown Sugar I'd seen it on tv a couple times and it just made me feel a way that I could never describe .

I watched Brown Sugar a couple weeks ago for the first time since living in our house, and it  still gives me that tingling feeling. Classic 90s/ early 2000 love story. Boy meets girl, girl knows she's in love in boy but can't allow herself to really fall in love with boy. Then boy falls in love with the wrong woman. Girl shrugs off feelings and tries to focus on another boy. And without giving away the entire movie I'm just going to stop there.

If you are into love. Or if you love Hip Hop, anything 2000s , a fan of Taye Diggs or Sanaa Lathan
go find this movie and watch it.


Thick girl Thursday Draya Michele

Janurary:  Thick Girl Thursday!
Once a month Ill post someone with a body like woah...
This month its Draya Michele
You might know this beautiful woman from Basketball Wives or other movies and tv shows. I found her on IG one day while I was creeping . She is HOT like fire!
She  owns two lines Fine ass girls & Mint Swim on top of being an actress and a mom.

Follow her on Ig @sodraya

( images retrieved from google image)

Lorelai Gray

My good friend  and ex deli mate is having a baby . Hopefully her and her boyfriend will stick with the name Lorelai Gray. This is exactly how nerds are made. ( two nerds fall in love and have unprotected sex= NERD baby)

So we are crafting and shopping awaiting for miss priss to make an appearance in April of 2016.

50 Shades of Grey+Book Review+ E. L. James

If you know me, you that  i am someone who does not like to hop on bandwagons. I've been reading erotica (smut, romance novels) since I was in high school. So when I learned what 50 Shades of Grey was about  natural it sparked my interest. But before I decided to purchase it I realized that everyone was reading it. When I say everyone I really mean 50-80 year old women are reading it out in public and discussing it like its todays paper. I found that odd and did not want to be reading something my grandmother would find arousing.

Fast forward to 2014 there's a rumor the book will be made into a movie. The masses are upset because of the people who are starring in the movie aren't as aesthetically pleasing to the eye as they would like them to be. The movie was released on Valentines Day 2015. I find that absolutely repulsive. Because sex does not equal love and there are millions of women around the world who think it is . A couple weeks later my friend Mindy convinced me to go to the movies with her. to see it And after  sitting in the theater for 2 hours the only thing that excited me was the soundtrack. ( y'all heard that music!)

A couple months ago i downloaded the Overdrive app and started adding books to my wish list. I decided to add the 50SOG series to the app.  just to see what its really about. A month ago i received an email that alerted me that the book was ready to be downloaded. So I did. 

If I had to describe this book in 1 word it would be preposterous.  The  main female character, Anna Steele, is not a real life person. At the age of 21, there are very very very few virgins without religious reasoning. And even then things like kissing & masturbation are often done instead of intercourse. I do not believe a virgin of any age would partake in any of the activities that Anna did willingly especially in such a quick fashion. 

From my personal experience I did not feel personal pleasure for some years so for Anna to understand what was happening to her and how to get there so quickly is unrealistic. All in all I feel as if the book is about an abused controlling wealthy man that prayed on a poor young virgin & turned her life upside down. He enticed her by his powerful demeanor & the dangling of her heart that he puppeted  ( not a real word but its fitting- to be used at ones willing ) at his leisure. 

The audio version narrator read Christian & Anna's parts. Which made me unable to really connect with the characters independently. Once you get passed that you realized that the book was poorly written. The same adjectives to describe numerous things. I remember delicious being used on every page. But at the same time the characters are very smart and use words that the average person would not use in conversation.  Explain that ?

Will I read the next books? Probably, because I want to know how the trilogy ends. Maybe it gets better? Maybe we will get a real understanding as to why Christian is the way he is and maybe Anna will grow some balls and tell Christian to go screw off.


Kitchen Remodel: Backsplash

Hey guys we are desperately trying to get stuff done before the new year arrives and one thing that hasn't been touched since Dec/Jan are our kitchen walls.
Yes guys we have been living without a backsplash for almost a year. Allowing your husband time to pick something for a project is never a good idea. So of course in a years time you can not find the same materials that  you wanted. Home Depot did not really have a great selection on backsplashes and all the ones I liked JMN didn't so this is what we ended up with. All we need to do now is add the grout, put the "tops",and electrical plates on and we are done!

Stay Tuned

Lazy Dog+ Addison Tx+ November 2015

The next time you are in the Dallas area please go to Addison and fine Lazy this restaurant has been open in this area for about 3 months. The was amazing. Great selections. Good service which is unheard of usually when a restaurant opens. The architecture and detail of the building blew me away. The menu was so great that I got an app and two entrées.

Hello 2016

Hello 2016
What is new year without setting goals and reviewing progress from last year?
So these were my 2015 goals. Here's what I did.

1. Counseling Program acceptance.  I did not get accepted into the Counseling program however I did get accepted into the Forensic Psychology program.
2. Workout at least 4x a week 30 min each. Eh some weeks I was all about it and others I wasn't.
3. Run 2 5k I did mog ( mammaw jog) one.
4. Work on my relationship with parents. failed
5. Show more appreciation & affection. I think I've done well with this!
6. Watch my spending.  I didn't save as much as I wanted to but I did do better this year.
7. Only purchase clothes on 3 occasions with$55.  haha
8. Read at least 6 books this year. NAILED IT { Strong looks better naked Khloe Kardashian, Confessions of a Sinner Jasmine Wise, Sharp Objects, Dark Places Gillian Flynn, 50 Shades of Grey E. L. James, Girls in White Dresses, Jenifer Close, Girl on the Train Paula Hawkins)
9. Blog a couple times a week. In the words of Fat Amy " Crushed it"
10. No sweets for 6 months. FAILED
11. Lose 50 lbs. gained 25
12. Cook at least 2x a week. did it!
13. Volunteer for the needy at least 6x. define volunteer? giving my time to someone in need? I do that everyday.
14. Get baptized. I'm pretty sure God is more upset with me than my readers. Believe me we are in constant conversation about it.
15. Take foster parent classes. celebration dance!
16. delete IG account. stand by.. however I do delete it during the week so can I mark this as partial success?

1. Lose 50 lbs
2. Continue to work on my degree
3. Read 6 books.
4. Finish my kitchen
5. Fence in our back yard
6. Blog at least 2x a week
7. Workout at least 2x a week
8. Work on my relationship with my family
9. Detangle my hair once a week
10. Give back/ volunteer
11. Visit 2/10 states I need to visit 
12. Go to 1x concert this year
13. Complete dream
14. Host a child in foster care
15. Make a difference in someones life.
16. Enjoy outside more.
17. Get baptized. 

I think if I hit most of these goals I will have a full 2016.