50 Shades of Grey+Book Review+ E. L. James

If you know me, you that  i am someone who does not like to hop on bandwagons. I've been reading erotica (smut, romance novels) since I was in high school. So when I learned what 50 Shades of Grey was about  natural it sparked my interest. But before I decided to purchase it I realized that everyone was reading it. When I say everyone I really mean 50-80 year old women are reading it out in public and discussing it like its todays paper. I found that odd and did not want to be reading something my grandmother would find arousing.

Fast forward to 2014 there's a rumor the book will be made into a movie. The masses are upset because of the people who are starring in the movie aren't as aesthetically pleasing to the eye as they would like them to be. The movie was released on Valentines Day 2015. I find that absolutely repulsive. Because sex does not equal love and there are millions of women around the world who think it is . A couple weeks later my friend Mindy convinced me to go to the movies with her. to see it And after  sitting in the theater for 2 hours the only thing that excited me was the soundtrack. ( y'all heard that music!)

A couple months ago i downloaded the Overdrive app and started adding books to my wish list. I decided to add the 50SOG series to the app.  just to see what its really about. A month ago i received an email that alerted me that the book was ready to be downloaded. So I did. 

If I had to describe this book in 1 word it would be preposterous.  The  main female character, Anna Steele, is not a real life person. At the age of 21, there are very very very few virgins without religious reasoning. And even then things like kissing & masturbation are often done instead of intercourse. I do not believe a virgin of any age would partake in any of the activities that Anna did willingly especially in such a quick fashion. 

From my personal experience I did not feel personal pleasure for some years so for Anna to understand what was happening to her and how to get there so quickly is unrealistic. All in all I feel as if the book is about an abused controlling wealthy man that prayed on a poor young virgin & turned her life upside down. He enticed her by his powerful demeanor & the dangling of her heart that he puppeted  ( not a real word but its fitting- to be used at ones willing ) at his leisure. 

The audio version narrator read Christian & Anna's parts. Which made me unable to really connect with the characters independently. Once you get passed that you realized that the book was poorly written. The same adjectives to describe numerous things. I remember delicious being used on every page. But at the same time the characters are very smart and use words that the average person would not use in conversation.  Explain that ?

Will I read the next books? Probably, because I want to know how the trilogy ends. Maybe it gets better? Maybe we will get a real understanding as to why Christian is the way he is and maybe Anna will grow some balls and tell Christian to go screw off.


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