Selfish - Kim Kardashian+ Book reView

Selfish was released on May 5, 2015.
I was enthused about a book that was just pictures of Kim K. When I got this cute little book in the mail I set on my night stand for a couple days because I had no idea what I was going to get engrossed in and I wanted to make sure I had enough time to be fully immersed in it.

Unfortunately I am not 100% fan of Selfish Maybe 85% . Let me tell you why. When you put the book in your hands I personally thought its so adorable . It looks like it would have had 500 Polaroid pictures in it. But once you open it you realize its pictures has been re sized to fit the pages and due to the binding of the book some of the pictures ( depending on how deep you are into the book) cant be fully seen. There are several pictures that the photo runs into the "crack" of the book.

Reason 2 there is some personal text that Kim used to describe the pictures. It seems as if she was writing from a word bank. I cant tell you how many times she spoke about " her glam" . I feel like she could have expressed her thoughts about the pictures in a better way to make them more personal for her readers. Not just about who did her makeup that day.

As I got to the middle of the book there were black pages. I thought " awe man I shouldn't have bought this book from Amazon, they obviously messed up printing." But I realized that wasn't the case after I kept flipping. Kim used the pictures that leaked on Twitter during the hacking to put in the book.  I had no idea that she was hacked and the pictures where on twitter. And I didn't know she was going to put them in her book. Now I see this in two ways. How smart of Kim to add these to her book. Why not? They are already out there. And they are darn good pics. I mean Kim K was naked.. I mean NAKED NAKED.  After the initial shock I had to call Elise  to tell her about it.

 But  I thought when Kim became a mother she would be different. In the words of Kanye " y'all cant tell me she's not one of the most beautiful woman  in the world" No I certainly can not  Because Kim K is def number 1 on my list . ANd I feel like a hippocritic for thinking that once you become a mother you aren't suppose to show your self off because what's wrong with that? Nothing... I'm just in a hard place about it.  How will they explain that to North and her future sibling. " hey mom took a bad situation and turned it into a marketing plan that yeilded this amount of income , that we used for blah blah blah ". May be ?

Usually I would post a link to Good Reads but the comments are too negative and this is not a site for Kardashian bashing.
Go buy this book !

Book Review+++ All things Kardashian +++ Kris Jenner

This post has been in the queue since Nov 2014.
I bought this book Aug 29 2014, from Amazon. I am a very big Kardashian fan. One day I was searching Amazon looking for something to read for my anniversary trip I stumble upon Kris Jenner's Memoir. My friend Anna told be about it awhile ago but I was thinking what is it in this book that I don't already know by watching their show, reading the girls books, and watching interviews. The answer to that is EVERYTHING KRIS JENNER, NICOLE SIMPSON, AND OJ SIMPSON.

I learned all types of details about the marriage & affair  between Kris and Robert Kardashian Sr. And basically half the book was about Nicole and OJ Simpson. Now remember I was a small child when this travesty happened. So I didn't know any details what so ever of what happened. But I will tell you if you read this book it will open your eyes to the injustices that are similar today.

After reading Memoirs of Kris Jenner I feel that more understanding of Kourtney's actions as an adult. So if you are a Kardashian addict like myself get this book.

5 Family Revelations
Good Reads

Liberty Burger+ July 2015+ Dallas, TX

While I was in Dallas  we went to Liberty Burger in Allen.  I had the most amazing turkey burger and shake. Unfortunately my drink wasn't the best but 2 out of 3 isn't bad. I worked in 2 restaurants for a total of 7 years. I am very particular on customer service, quality of food and cleanliness.  I think Liberty Burger exceled in all of those categories. The only thing I would change would be the amount I paid. For $25 I received a burger, fries, shake, and alcoholic beverage. This might be the going rate for this amount due to this location so allow me some grace. But overall GREAT experience and good food!

Hydro Silk Trim Style

I love this razor. It is literally the best shave I've gotten in years. A trimmer and a razor in one. You wont find anything better.

106 & Park Finale Act

This post has been sitting in drafts since March 2015.
So when I think of my childhood I think of all the hours I sat in front of my TV and connected with people from TV shows. As many of yall know I am pretty obsessed with music. The first show  I ever watched as a kid was called Video Soul.  I was so little that I didn't even know the name of the show. My  cousins and I use to call it  videos . ( so creative) . This was way back when country people didn't even have an option for cable. ( side eye) Sometimes my grandparents would even watch it with me.  
 Then there was  TRL with Carson Daily on MTV. When I started watching MTV my love for music went into overloaded. This is how I learned about so many genres of music. But as I got older and the time of the show changed from 4 to 3 it made it harder for me to get to watch and when I was able to watch a couple minutes they cut down on the amount of times they actually showed the videos on the countdown.

Sept of 2000 106 & Park came to BET. Or as I like to call it Hundred  6 & Park. I'm not sure if I saw the first show but when I did I remembered there was this super tall guy with a hair style I had never seen before.( reminiscent of alien vs. predator) And this little woman that had curly hair,cute clothes and a hilarious smile. This show came on at 5 and I cant even tell you how many years I set in front of my living room TV watching this show. You have to remember this was the age before videos were online and YouTube didn't exist. So if you wanted to watch your favorite video you had to be in front of your TV or record it on a VHS . You had to go to the kitchen or the bathroom on commercial breaks because if you missed it, it was gone forever. ( or until the next day when it was voted back on the show)
I was obsessed with Free and I thought she had the coolest job ever! Then one day out of the blue Free stop coming and AJ told the world that they were leaving. I sat in front of my TV screen crying like someone told me I wasn't going to be able to see my best friend again. I didn't understand why these people I had "grew up" admiring were no longer going to be apart of my life. ( dramatic) I watched them M-F from 5-630. They were apart of my extended family. They opened my eyes, formed my opinions, brought my dreams to life.

After they left I watched a couple episodes here and there. I didn't feel the same connection as I had with Aj and Free. (I'm not a fan of change.) So I didn't even really give them a chance. By this time the Internet was a serious information source so I could look up clips to interviews or I would know if Free or Aj would should up for an appearance which wasn't often. I had gotten to the point where I was only watching the New Years Eve specials. I even traveled to New York and went to a taping of the show in 2013. The hosts were Bow Wow and Keyshia Chante by this time. They were nice but they didn't have the chemistry Free and AJ had.

One day I was surfing the Internet and saw that 106 was having their farewell week. I  was thinking farewell? Farwell for what! But  All of their hosts came back to be a part of their last show.  And as the last frame came across the TV I cried. 14 years now over.

I just wanted to put out there that for some kids are interested in different things. And due to those things it inspires them, keeps them out of trouble, or just helps keeps their mind of the life they are currently living. And although I felt my childhood was good I appreciate positive programing. This show and many others have helped inspired me to blog and have music be my outlet.

The Franklin-Lee wedding+ July 2015

I love weddings. JMNs cousin Jessica got married in July. JMNs' family knows how to through a wedding. This wedding was the best wedding I have ever been to. I felt like I was in a fancy old Hollywood club . Amazing decorations, really good food and beautiful dresses. JMNs family really out did themselves this time.
And on top of it our nephew made his piano debut.  All the kids had a position and they were soo cute!
Photo dump


 OMG so good! Rhoda Ps Catering

 He could totally be our kid!

The Bride and Madison

Two aunts + Nick

Courtney Mae

I know I stated in one of my other posts that I had been holding on to some of my posts in the draft sections for some time now. Last year it was on my end of the year list that I needed to clear up some things for some people that I have wronged so I could come into the new year a better person. Obliviously it didn't happen.

I talk about a lot of my friends on here. Most recently I spoke about a group of friends that I don't see anymore because I wanted more than just to see them at a party or a bar. But 3 years ago those people were MY people like there was no one else I wanted to go to a birthday party for or go out to dinner, or shake it down at a bar with. These girls were my all. Well Courtney was apart of that group.

Courtney and I became friends our senior year of high school and we were pretty much inseparable. Clearly one of my favorite people in the world. But somewhere along the way I decided to take sides in something I shouldn't have even been apart of. I single handily destroyed our relationship. No if ands or buts about it. And it hurts my soul that I did that to her. I'm sure Courtney is living an amazing life and probably isn't thinking about me one bit but I need to actually put it out in the universe that I recognize that I am horrible person to people and I want to change.  I see that I  have that  I don't need anyone attitude.  And I hate it. When you have a genuine friendship with someone for so long you cant help but think how that friendship would be currently and think back to all the fun times we had together.

So Courtney Beck  and the interwebs  I am so very sorry for being such a horrible person. I have done and said many things that a friend should never say to a friend. Going all the way back to High school. When I look back I thought I was helping you ( mothering you) and you clearly didn't need me to do any of it.  I hope you are doing well and I hope you don't hold my horrible acts against me for the rest of our lives.

September 9th

Today is our 3 year wedding anniversary.
I cant believe we have been married for 1096 days.
 I cant even believe how lucky I am.

The man I married is an unbelievable husband.
Don't get me wrong I still want to kill him some days
All the great relationships take work. 

Carrie & Mr. Big
Kim & Kanye
Lucy & Desi
Happy Anniversary to us!

Creep came to Monroe+ July 2015

If you read my blog regularly you are well aware who my friends are. I was real excited and had been counting down the days until my BFF Jill came home to visit. Luckily for me Elise's mammaw lives in my town. ( hence why she came to LA to go to college)  So when she comes down to visit her I get to reap the benefits. She came down on Thursday and Friday she met me at my office to go to lunch with some of my other friends.
We had lunch at the Dawg House in Ruston. ( Post coming soon)
So you know we were being cute walking around in the balls hot weather. Stuffing our faces at Social Bites and unbuttoning our pants to breathe.
After which Elise went "home" to grab a nap before our Deli Hell reunion 2015.
But before that i went to get my hair straighten. Which look a really long time.

Usually when Elise comes home she wants to visit with all her friends . This time instead of being loud and probably unwelcomed at a restaurant we were invited to Anna's adorable home. It took us like 45 minutes to get there and I'm pretty sure we went down a road that vehicles shouldn't even travel on. I'm always testing the limits of life .
We made cookies while Anna's husband grilled and her son entertained us. ( we sound so grown up?)

and of course made silly faces

While we were there Elise found out she was accepted to graduate school. ( woot woot)
So you know we had to go celebrate in 3 bars! Neat, Corner Bar, Scruffs - you know we like to keep it interesting.

Shout out to Dextaci in the background.

Close to 2 am and 3 bars end I realized I was sweating. Which meant my hair was sweating out. After sitting semi still for 3 hours my hair was no longer straight. I cant even begin to explain how frustrating it is to get your hair done and it lasts 3 hours. I guess I should have known better. That last bar was wayyy tooo hot .#naturalhairproblems #curlsstandup

After some unforeseen mothering everyone got home safely.
My weekend was packed so I didn't get to see Elise Saturday or Sunday but Monday Haley graciously allowed us to partake in her swimming facility. 

  Look at us cute and stuff. We did so good taking pictures this time. Majority of the time we forget to take pics and then afterwards we get mad because we don't have any pictures to commemorate our events. AKA we've been using the same pics in our collages for gifts for 8 years now .
The next day Elise had to go home :(  . Until Next time JILL!

Ruston : Social Bites+ June 2015

There's a cute little treat shop in Ruston called Social Bites. My friends and I visited the shop during the peach festival the last week of June. They are very reasonably priced, good customer service and amazing treats!
I got a cookie dough cupcake, peach lemonade, and a crispy crunch brownie*. You guys have to go to Ruston and check it out!


Single Saturdays

Kendrick Lamar-Alright


Alls my life I has to fight,
Alls my life I
Hard times like God
Bad trips like: "God!"
Nazareth, I'm fucked up
Homie you fucked up
But if God got us we then gon' be alright
 we gon' be alright
we gon' be alright
We gon' be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright
 we gon' be alright
Huh? We gon' be alright
 we gon' be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright
Uh, and when I wake up
I recognize you're lookin' at me for the pay cut
Behind my side we lookin' at you from the face down
What mac-11 even boom with the bass down
Schemin'! And let me tell you bout my life
Painkillers only put me in the twilight
What pretty p*** and Benjamin is the highlight
Now tell my mama I love her but this what I like
Lord knows, 20 of 'em in my Chevy
Tell 'em all to come and get me, reapin' everything I sow
So my karma come and Heaven no preliminary hearing
So my record and my MFing gang can stand in silence for the record
Tell the world I know it's too late
The hoes, the girls think I gone crazy
Try and fight my vices all day
Won't you please believe when I say
When you know, we been hurt, been down before
When my pride was low, lookin' at the world like, "where do we go
And we hate Popo, wanna kill us dead in the street for sure
I'm at the preacher's door
My knees gettin' weak and my gun might blow but we gon' be alright
 we gon' be alright
 we gon' be alright
We gon' be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright
 we gon' be alright
Huh? We gon' be alright
 we gon' be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright
What you want, a house or a car
40 acres and a mule, a piano a guitar
Anything, see my name is Lucy, I'm your dog
MFer you can live at the mall
I can see the evil, I can tell it I know when it's illegal
I don't think about it, I deposit every other zero
Thinkin' of my partner put the candy, paint it on the regal
Diggin' in my pocket ain't a profit, big enough to feed you
Everyday my logic, get another dollar just to keep you
In the presence of your chico ah!
I don't talk about it, be about it, everyday I see cool
If I got it then you know you got it, Heaven, I can reach you
Pet dog, pet dog, pet dog, my dog that's all
Pick back and chat I shut the back for y'all
I rap, I'm black, on track and rest assured
My rights, my wrongs are right till I'm right with God
When you know, we been hurt, been down before
When my pride was low, lookin' at the world like, "where do we go
And we hate Popo, wanna kill us dead in the street for sure
I'm at the preacher's door
My knees gettin' weak and my gun might blow but we gon' be alright
 we gon' be alright
 we gon' be alright
We gon' be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright
 we gon' be alright
Huh? We gon' be alright
 we gon' be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright
I keep my head up high
I cross my heart and hope to die
Lovin' me is complicated
Too afraid, a lot of changes
I'm alright and you're a favorite
Dark nights in my prayers
I remembered you was conflicted
Misusing your influence, sometimes I did the same
Abusing my power full of resentment
Resentment that turned into a deep depression
Found myself screamin' in the hotel room
I didn't wanna self destruct, the evils of Lucy was all around me
So I went runnin' for answers

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