I bought this book Aug 29 2014, from Amazon. I am a very big Kardashian fan. One day I was searching Amazon looking for something to read for my anniversary trip I stumble upon Kris Jenner's Memoir. My friend Anna told be about it awhile ago but I was thinking what is it in this book that I don't already know by watching their show, reading the girls books, and watching interviews. The answer to that is EVERYTHING KRIS JENNER, NICOLE SIMPSON, AND OJ SIMPSON.
I learned all types of details about the marriage & affair between Kris and Robert Kardashian Sr. And basically half the book was about Nicole and OJ Simpson. Now remember I was a small child when this travesty happened. So I didn't know any details what so ever of what happened. But I will tell you if you read this book it will open your eyes to the injustices that are similar today.
After reading Memoirs of Kris Jenner I feel that more understanding of Kourtney's actions as an adult. So if you are a Kardashian addict like myself get this book.
5 Family Revelations
Good Reads
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