Lets play a game

Hey Guys
I hope your week has started out well. I thought I would start this week out with a little game. The game is called "whats in your lap?"
Its an easy game , all you have to do is look down and tell me whats in your lap. ex . iPhone, iPhone charging cord, laptop , and oh yeah YOUR STOMACH!

Sorry I know that might have been a bit of a cruel game for some of you guys but hey admittance is the first step to take care of it. For the last week i have been tracking my food on My Fitness Pal app. It has just about everything you can imagine . Its like the weight watchers app but with calories and FREE.

I have several vacations, a wedding and LIFE ahead of me and i am tired of being down in the dumps about my weight. Specifically my stomach and thighs. ( i have an amazing behind ( be jealous) ) . And this gut has got to go somewhere. ( preferably away from my body).

You guys ever go to a mirror and fold your tummy so you can imagine what you might look like if you didn't have it? No? Come on now be honest! If i could stay away from all that is Reese's i think i could be on to something. This weekend i ate an entire bag of peanut butter M&Ms. And i can not say that i ate them with any shame. Not even after i tracked them on My Fitness Pal and realized a whole bag is 1700. HELLO I am only allowed 2600 calories a day! So you know what i had to do? Besides gulp down a gallon of water , ( because of some reason i believe if i do that the fat wont stick to my body)  I had to work out TWICE!

So does anyone want to join me on working on what we carry in our laps? Anyone wanna participate in late night anytime sessions in the Lakeshore/Swartz area?? Come on you know you wannna....

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