Legally Bonded

I have decided that I am going to make a section just for my rants about being married to JMN. A friend told me that the post I made was the funniest one ! YOU ASK I SHALL GIVE!
If you know me you know that when I decided to get married it was a shock. I had paraded for years that marriage was not for me. And really the term marriage just sounds like a slow death MAR RIAGEEEEE
Todays rant begins with JMN calling me to bring him something for lunch of course my response was NO because that hoe doesn’t bring me  lunch  and I had already been super nice the day before by bringing him a salad to his work. I cant be too sweet because hell start to take advantage.  ANYWHO I told him I was leaving work and the bugger was like do you want to have lunch with me instead.. ( now since he’s inviting that means he’s paying!) HECK YEAH ill pick you up.
The next struggle was picking where we wanted to eat which finally we settled on Pickle Barrel ( YUMMMM) . This story is getting way long… TO THE CHASE. A mutual friend of ours was graduating the next day and this bastard did not even let me know ! Now Pooh Bear as I will refer to him and I have been friends since the 7th grade. We use to spend a lot of time together. He’s been to BOTH of my graduations and you know I HAVE to go to his . HELLO what kind of friend does JMN think I am. Basically he thought that since he wasn’t going ( due to work) that I wasn’t going. PSHHH
This is not the 1st time this has happened. JMN never tells me when WE are pose to do things in advance.   A couple weeks ago he told me about a wedding 45 min before it started ! I had just gotten out the shower head wet and was about to settle in on my couch to watch Kourtney and Kim Take Miami. ( LOVE THEM)
photo 1 photo 2 This was after graduation..  I wish I wasn’t hunched over like that

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