When I went to Seattle in May I tried to do as many touristy sightseeing things as possible. Of course I had to go to the Space Needle. As many times as I have been to Seattle I am pretty sure I haven't been as close as I was this day. I made it my business to get selfies and actually go inside and go up.
As a tourist I would not encourage anyone to actually go up. Why? Well tell me your main reason for wanting to go? Bragging rights? View? Immersing in culture? Okay all of those things are valid reasons minus bragging rights. Heres a tip if you go after 8 on any date the fee is $22 as opposed to $28. To me $28 is an outfit that I can wear for years, not an hour experience.
When I went to the Space Needle I stayed for about 45- hour. I looked around in the shop that on the lower level. I actually had to go outside to buy my ticket then go inside and follow the ramp to the elevator. And let me tell you it was packed. But while you wait you get to read about the development of the Space Needle, theres even a little model. When you get closer to the elevator they take your picture and they email you a link so you can download for free. I appreciate the little trinket.
From there you get into an elevator. For all of my Willie Wonka fans it reminded me of the glass elevator. I just knew at any moment we were going to breakout of the building and fly. The 30 seconds to the top is kinda scary but literally you are i think 500 ft off the ground. When you get to the top the view is pretty amazing. While I was at the Space Needle it actually rained, the only time it rained while I visited. ( Naturally)
There was some crazy people there too.You will see in my pictures the guard rails. There were people who actually put their phones in between them to get better pictures. I am not that trusting of myself. I just knew someone would bump into me, I would sneeze , or blink and there my phone would go plummeting to its death. (Dramatic) Back inside theres a bar and restaurant and lots of cool gadgets to show the views of the city throughout the year.
In my next Seattle blog I'll give a reason why you shouldn't go to the Space Needle for the view.
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