Jackson, MS Spring Jam

So if you guys pay any attention to my blog posts you might remember     . I gave y'all false information! Somewhere along the lines I completely forgot about the concert I went to with Latoya in March 2015. I had to search my email just to clarify I wasn't crazy. Then I texted Latoya and was like didn't we go to a concert together? And she was like yeah. And I was like when? And why don't I have any videos or pictures? And she said my phone died or was dying so I couldn't record. I responded in my Tamar Braxton voice. WHAT DO YOU MEANNNNNN ( emphasis on the n) and she said she really didn't remember.
Shout out to my friend Latoya Smith who didn't cuss me out via text for losing my mind. Guys I know I took some type of pictures but I can not find them on my computer for the life of me. Blogosphere forgive me for majorly slacking on something I take pride in. ( bragging to the masses about seeing famous people)

Until this even I've never been to a concert in Jackson. So that was an experience in itself.
There was Keith Sweat who literally brought down the house. There was a big girl who was grinding it out to some Keith Sweat. And during his set he was asking who in the audience was going to get pregnant tonight. UHM Mr. Sweat I'm going to need you to slow your role homie.
Slick Rick was next. But I didn't know any of his music but the audience seemed to really like him.
Then their was Dru Hill. LOVEEEEED
SWV- I felt like they didn't stay on stage long enough.
And the last to go on was the lasting members of H -Town which the only song I can remember is Knockin Da Boots.

The majority of the crowd were older men and women. The best part of this concert were the people dressed in church attire bumping and grinding in the public.
If I find the videos Ill make sure that I make a post about.

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