This post is my longest queued post EVER. Dec 2013
Every time I go to clean out my queue I open it but I could never put "pen to paper". This will probably be the most dramatic post I will ever write. And yet I have never started this post because I am deeply sadden on what I have to write. Which is absolutely ridiculous. As yall know I went to New York in Nov 2013 for my 26th birthday. In preparation for the City I re watched SATC just so I could take notes of all the places they went in the series. Because some where in my heart 6 & 1/2 years of SATC was real life.
Let me back track the first time I ever saw SATC I was in the 5th grade. It was one of those late nights where I wondered in the living room to watch TV and when I was flipping channels ( when HBO was channel 5) I saw what I now know is Samantha in a blue outfit sliding down a fireman's pole. ( Season three opener). I don't think I finished watching the rest of the episode but that image literally stuck with me for years. Between 5th grade and 10th grade I never saw another episode of SATC. But one day in 2004 a commercial popped up on TBS of Carrie prancing across my screen in a tutu and I recognized her face and something within me awaken.
June 2004 I was sitting in front of my TV watching this show like my life depended on it. I watched every episode on TBS. By college I owned every season. And since I did not have cable I watched this show just about everyday for 6 years straight. Over and Over and Over. To the point where I can recite the words the characters are about to say before they open their mouths to say it. So to say I was a fan is really an understatement.
When I went to New York I felt like I was finally meeting up with " friends" I had been watching their life pan out in front of me and I was coming in to catch up.
But as I started to tour the city I realized that things were not as they are perceived on TV. It really broke my heart for TV. That might be weird to say but when you think something hangs the moon and you realize the moon is independently hung it is crushing.
In the first episode of the first season of SATC, Carrie gives the address of 245 E 73rd Street, between Park and Madison. Lets just say after hours of walking in circles that did not exist . Luckily I had sense to google the address because I know I am not the only person that was looking for Carries apartment. Low and behold that's when I realized it was all a lie.
Google revealed that Carrie's apartment was really located in Greenwich Village on 66 Perry. By the time we made to there it was dark. There was a very nice elderly man that happened to be walking around his neighborhood. The area is now a elderly development. He stated that he had been living there for years and they have had several problems with unruly people coming and taking pictures on the stoop and because of this they had to rope it off. He said he has never watched the show and id he did he wasn't sure if he would want to come take a picture with a building. LOL
I have been trying to think of several ways to write this post for the past couple of years but i just didn't have the words to say it. Oh reality...
(the most beautiful place ever)
Where Carrie put a bird on her head
I was out here naked in New York. ( NiNY)
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