Temptation is real

If you are around me enough you've probably heard this phrase a couple times. And in all honesty TEMPTATION IS REAL. In all aspects of life. There are a couple things that I have been trying to work on in my life.
A. Not being so hateful
B. Not cussing
C. Prayer
E. Dieting
F. Studying for the GRE
G. Being more positive in my relationships.

Some how someway I have learned a lot of hateful ways. And A & G really tie together because I use to just think hateful things and somehow I involved myself with others would basically encouraged me that saying it aloud was not a bad thing. So I would yell, cuss out and tell people off without even thinking about what or how that person may have felt. But my mentality was " give a low blow to them first before they have a chance to hurt you"  I just cant go on living my life this way.

Cuss words are unnecessary words. I never heard cuss words in my household growing up. But I had friends that I would hear say them and I thought it was cool so I wanted to be like them. I of course never would dare to say them to my family. Just because I wouldn't want to see the look of disappointment on my parents faces. Somewhere along my journey of trying to be a better person I decided that I no longer had any room in my life for them. And let me tell you it was wayyyy easier than I thought it would be . I have one friend that when I get around them I just want to say them but luckily I don't see them often .

Instituting prayer in your  life in a world who could care less is hard. Getting people to shut up long enough to pray before a meal or before bedtime is a challenge. But I am welcomed to continue the fight.

So this entire post was suppose to be about single men married women temptation. But once I started this I realized that I have temptation in other aspects of my life. There was a man that I was working with for about 6 months. M-F 9:45-5 I saw his face. I had to tell myself to not even associate with him because I felt drawn to him. My life would have gone to CRAP if I would have even entertained a friendship. I see how easy it is for people to have "work romances" You see your co workers more than you see your spouses. Nothing but negativity could have come from this . I feel like rings don't mean anything to men. I feel like since I've gotten engaged & married I've had more random men come up to me. EVEN when my other half is present . LIKE DUDE COME ON! One day at church we were discussing temptation and it just clicked. I am being tempted by the devil. The random thoughts that I have in my mind about other people whether its someone in Target to someone on the Tv is not what God has planned for me. And if I allow those thought to consume me they can cause me to lose something very precious to me . Although I might joke " there's nothing wrong with looking " there is ! Because looking implies searching and if you already have something why are you searching for more? Temptation  is REAL!!

BTW Reese's and all chocolate is temptation right now. And I hate it!

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