Sunday Social Week 10



1. How much time do you spend on Social Media a day?…be honest
 Since i deleted my facebook ( and don't miss it) Instagram has been My addiction. But over the last couple of weeks I have been really trying to stay off it. At work i don't have a power cord so my phone dies just about everyday before i go home. So being on IG isn't doing anything but making that situation worst. So i usually do get it on until i get home. week days 2 hours weekends 5 hours ( don't judge me)   I love creeping

2. How long were you reading blogs before you started a blog?
 a year mby... i have no idea

3. What is your favorite kind of cupcake?
Reese's but Nutella is a very close second (Bakery Boutique)

4. Do you eat fast food? If so whats your favorite?
  Yes.. 2013 for the first time ever i had Chik Fil a and i am in LOVE but no one can beat McDonald's fries

5. What is the most random thing someone would find in your purse?
 never know when i might be in a situation where i cant breathe

6. What is the weirdest TV show you watch?

 I don't have a weird TV show but i do ENJOY watching watching pimple popping videos on YouTube :))))


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