
So last Monday I finally bit the bullet and drum roll please ......
Cut & colored my hair ! I know you can't believe it can you ?
I have been debating on rather or not I wanted to cut all my hair off . I know that when I workout it gets NASTY and then the next morning I have to tackle it with my flat iron . Which usually I'm running late so I slap some bobby pins in or a hat on . ( unprofessional I know )

When I was 19 I got a horrible hair cut so ever since then I've been real cautious as to who touches my hair . In the last year I've been cutting it close . I decided I didn't want it to touch my shoulders and I got a bang ! ( LOVE my bang)

The morning of my hair cut I was thinking that if I get it cut super cut I need something to make it pop . So maybe if it wasn't too expensive I'd get some color put in it.

Got in the chair finally and my options for color was orange red and this weird khaki color. I was thinking more of a gold / blonde but those colors were out the window unless I wanted to bleach my hair . My ends have enough problems so I decided not to add to it and just get read instead.

What is it about a hair stylist that can flat iron your hair to perfection !? ( see my bangs were in dire need of some attention ) 

Sorry I don't have a picture of the back because I didn't want it curled so basically it was just puffy !
I love the color it turned out to be more maroon than red so I'm in love !

What do you guys think ?
It's a little T boz -ish isn't it ? 

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