I love pictures! I remember in elementary I told my mom that I HAD to have a camera for a project just so she would buy me one. We went through several over the years but Kodak disposable was better than having a regular camera. So here I was at every school function and field trip with my little red and black Kodak. The very first camera I bought myself was the summer of 9th grade. It was from WalMart and it required at USB cord. I cant remember the name Vista.. Anyway I had that camera for YEARS. It took amazing pictures. After that I started using my iPhone/ Blackberry. I digress....
For our 1 year anniversary JMN bought me a Nikon 3100. It is amazing. I took it to Mexico with me and took some amazing pictures. I can buy all types of lenses to increase its amazingness. Eventually once I learn how to use it I would love to be what I call a "Facebook Fotographer" I guess I would have to name it something else since I no longer have a Facebook. any who.. I am no where new a professional and I haven't even learned how to work all my camera's features but that is why I want to learn so I can capture some amazing moments.
My goal is to convince my friends to let me take pictures of them and their families etc.. for freezies so I can build up a little portfolio and learn how to not sweat buckets when I am asking people to take their clothes off look lovingly into each others eyes. Here is a little bit of "my work"
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