A couple weeks ago Fat and I went to Target. Target is the place where I can get my cardio in, feed my face with delicious popcorn, and spend ridiculous amounts of money on things that I don't need but because I saved 5-20% on it I justify it as a win. This day was like the others, I'd already thrown in a bunch of in needed items in the buggy. We were in the back section where patio furniture is and I noticed majority of it had already been cleared out . Guys it's June, we have summer weather for at least 3/4 more months in Louisiana. I digress
For poops and giggles I asked Justin how much the wicker love seats were and non-chalantly he said 2250. I said really dude how much he repeated 2250. By the second reply I was really over the joke and needed to see for myself . And to my amazement the price tag was 22.50. A high overwhelmed my body as I went into hulk mode picking up these love seats and throwing them on top of my buggy. That high continued until the 22.50 came across the register and as we walked through those red double doors I felt like Rocky Balboa after a championship fight. Or someone from a TJ Maxx commercial . Whichever resonates with you first .lol
Let's recap
Target Threshold wicker outdoor love seats originally $219.00 each
I purchased them in store for $22.50 each.