Decisons Decisons

A friend from work got married the last week in Febuary . And for some reason I tried to schedule 5 different other events on that weekend as well.
I have been traveling all my life . When I was younger our vacations were 3 times a year with the shortest stay of 3 nights . Of course my parents packed for me so I always had just the right amount of clothing .

When I got old enough to pack for myself  I was also responsible for carrying it. My bags were usually huge ! I would have everything from a change of clothes three times  a day to my favorite blanket pillow cover and my pillow. And normally I would be packed an entire week before the trip.

Like my youth my packing skills are usually about the same. I bring a weeks worth of clothes for 3 days. MINUS THIS WEEKEND.  I didn't bring enough ! I stressed myself out trying to figure out what I was going to wear to the wedding. I picked several dresses and sent to my friends so I could get their approval.

You'll check out my next post to see what I picked !

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