JMN Pinterest project

Let me tell you about my handy dandy husband.
A couple weeks ago my "dress" closet kind of died. Basically I had too much stuff in this one little closet so I started looking at clothing racks. I have seen a couple people use them in their spare bedrooms. I even tried one. I bought a small one from dirt cheap and apparently it couldn't hold the weigh of my dresses either.  So after strolling through pinterest I sent JMN several ideas of what I wanted.
When it saw this picture he liked it because it wasn't permanently attached to the walls in my office. sadly enough one day we will sell this house and the next owner with my luck wont even like clothes so there would be no need for such a huge rack .
(haha everyone loves a huge rack)
anywho.. thanks to WAA and dirty santa I was gifted with a hand saw thingy and a new drill that I gave to JMN. After pleading with JMN he got started. It honestly took him 30 minutes and boom the largest dress rack known to man was born.

 shoutout to pineapple Fanta drinkers

my love for sex and the city will never go away...

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