GUYS! we are officially caught up and on schedule. 31 weeks ! I'm proud of myself!
This weeks questions are as follows:::::
1. One Show you would love to see on netflix that isn’t there?
Surprisingly I do not have Netflix. I know it would prob save me a lot of money if I did but I really enjoy buying dvds. I am one of those people who care about the packaging and the bonus features.
2. One song you wish they would play more on the radio.
Whitney Houston when it is slow jam time. AND School boy Q studio
3. Your favorite song to sing loudly to in the car.
School boy Q studio - present Michelle Branch or Natalie Imbrulia _past
4. What Movie/TV show do you quote the most?
Sex and the City Kardashians Gilmore Girls
5. One silly thing you do daily.
Side eyeing people especially strangers.
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