Sunday Naps

Who loves naps ? I do I do!
There is something about a Sunday nap that is just amazing ! There is nothing better than not having to be somewhere that makes a nap grand ! 
Well today's nap was only going to be about 2 hours but ended up being about 3& a half hours. The problem with that is A I am not going to want to go to sleep tonight & B I woke up and was completely confused about life . 
So yeah my nap confessions today ...

People over populating the world

Stop having kids !!!! Especially if you can't provide for them on your own !
There is no need for parents to have more than 3 kids ! Remember child labor laws are in place for a reason .

10.16.13 Bloggers


I successfully follow 4 bloggers. Every morning their words are the first thing that I read and frankly I am angery on Sat mornings when they do not post. ( sad huh?) Well I really do not know how they do it. Im having trouble with keeping up with the password on Blogger let alone trying to actually post on this thing. It must be said that I am NOT a successful blogger even though I really really want to be. Throughout my day I think of funny things that I want to post. But when I finally hit the bed I'm so attached to my phone until the last moment before I shut my eyes.

Hopefully I'll do better this week. Dont give up on me now peeps.



Graduate School dropout

Today at work we had a meeting with a lady that is a recruiter for Delta Community College . I went to Delta when I was a smarty pants in high school ( dual enrollment) . Then the "first" year of college. Let me tell you! That was the best decision I ever made. High school kids are not responsible why on earth would you pay all this money for your kid to skip class and party? I remember several times where it was raining outside and I did not get up to get to math class . Gilmore Girls or Sex and the City was wayyy more entertaining than Mr. Dunn talking about how to find x & y. After my time at Delta I believe I came a better student. Even tho I've always wanted to learn and be in a classroom.
Anywhooo.. the recruiter Kathy Gardener ( hit her up) told us about all the new degrees that they are offering and the start out pay of each of them. Let me tell you I was flabbergasted. When I went to Delta they didn't have all this! You basically went to Delta then transfer to the 2 local universities in my town. Several of my co workers were ready right then and there to leave work and apply. Now whether that was just talk or not i actually did it. I am paying out of the BUTT for graduate school. For a degree in Secondary Education. I just want to teach! I don't know why but it just makes more and more sense every day I think about. I don't NEED a Master's Degree. I just want it because it sounds good and I want people to think I'm smart. Basically I'm paying for compliments. (dumb) So I after I got a bunch of work done I applied. I am going to the school tomorrow to bring my application fee and my immunization records.
Go ME!

Social Media

In the last 8 years people have put a lot of power in social media. You maybe thinking power? what power? It is a big deal when you add, delete and post on social media.  WHO CARES! Why do I need to know you are going to bed, what your are wearing, or if you got new weave today?? I don't ! But it is consistently being put out there for everyone to see. I am guilty of it myself. I use to share my every waking moment on FB. Now i barely get on FB. Why? Because the people that I work with or the new friends that I have do not need to know about the crazy teenager i use to be. They don't need to know every time I go shake my ass at the bar. And they don't need to see the skimpy clothes I wear outside of work. Okay maybe they see those anyway. LOL

OH another BIG thing. Folks with insecurities keep them off social media. I cant tell you how it pisses me off to read about someones gf or bf and how wonderful they are and how their with them now instead of someone else. Don't put your pity stories on IG. Stop airing out your business. I thought when you really have something amazing you were suppose to keep it a secret. Because once its out everyone is going to want some. And there are some scandalise people in the world today. So watch what you upload and watch who you befriend. Not everyone is going to like it . Some folks are just waiting for your down fall.

List of my Pet Peevs

 A sheet that comes off the bed in the middle of the night.
People not following directions when it comes to preparation of my food.
People taking the first bite of my food.
People opening things that belong to me.
Babies not having shoes on in public.
Kids not having dreams.
Able bodied folks that do not work.
Elderly people working because they have bills.
Sticky stuff under desk and tables.
People on the phone while I'm watching a TV show.
People who try to out stage others on experiences.
Company refrigerators
People who talk to other people in the room while servicing you.

Y'all have any ?


10.6.13 Marques Houston Naked


Once upon a time there was a genre called R&B . There was a boy group named Immature then Later when they were teenagers and thought they were cool they abbreviated their name to IMx . IMx  separated and "the lead" Marques Houston  had a pretty promising solo career . His second album was named ( I think it was his second album) MH Naked. This was QUAILTY !!! Great music ! Somewhere between pop & life I realized that I needed to hear this again and I could NOT find it ! You can't illegally download it, you can't find it on iTunes, which tells me that he must have have some type of label problem. BUT you know where I found this album ?!?! AMAZON . Thank goodness for people like me ( or y'all!) who burned it to your computer and no longer needed it ! Whoever you are I appreciate you ! 

Anywho! Find this cd . I bought it on Amazon for $4 . You need it 
