Today at work we had a meeting with a lady that is a recruiter for Delta Community College . I went to Delta when I was a smarty pants in high school ( dual enrollment) . Then the "first" year of college. Let me tell you! That was the best decision I ever made. High school kids are not responsible why on earth would you pay all this money for your kid to skip class and party? I remember several times where it was raining outside and I did not get up to get to math class . Gilmore Girls or Sex and the City was wayyy more entertaining than Mr. Dunn talking about how to find x & y. After my time at Delta I believe I came a better student. Even tho I've always wanted to learn and be in a classroom.
Anywhooo.. the recruiter Kathy Gardener ( hit her up) told us about all the new degrees that they are offering and the start out pay of each of them. Let me tell you I was flabbergasted. When I went to Delta they didn't have all this! You basically went to Delta then transfer to the 2 local universities in my town. Several of my co workers were ready right then and there to leave work and apply. Now whether that was just talk or not i actually did it. I am paying out of the BUTT for graduate school. For a degree in Secondary Education. I just want to teach! I don't know why but it just makes more and more sense every day I think about. I don't NEED a Master's Degree. I just want it because it sounds good and I want people to think I'm smart. Basically I'm paying for compliments. (dumb) So I after I got a bunch of work done I applied. I am going to the school tomorrow to bring my application fee and my immunization records.
Go ME!
Anywhooo.. the recruiter Kathy Gardener ( hit her up) told us about all the new degrees that they are offering and the start out pay of each of them. Let me tell you I was flabbergasted. When I went to Delta they didn't have all this! You basically went to Delta then transfer to the 2 local universities in my town. Several of my co workers were ready right then and there to leave work and apply. Now whether that was just talk or not i actually did it. I am paying out of the BUTT for graduate school. For a degree in Secondary Education. I just want to teach! I don't know why but it just makes more and more sense every day I think about. I don't NEED a Master's Degree. I just want it because it sounds good and I want people to think I'm smart. Basically I'm paying for compliments. (dumb) So I after I got a bunch of work done I applied. I am going to the school tomorrow to bring my application fee and my immunization records.
Go ME!
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