Free Tea Day

If you guys are out and about today and you live in a town that has a McAlisters Deli I suggest you go and get some FREE TEA today ! No Purchase Necessary!

The Real

Its pilot season so there are some great shows that are coming out on trial! This show inparticialur is called The Real hosts are : Tamar Braxton Tamera Mowery Housley Adriene Ballion Loni Love Jeanie Mai
All from multcutural backgrounds! This show will be running for 4 weeks on Fox! Support this show! These women are great ! Here is a link for a interview they did on Monday at Hot 97

Questions Questions..

One of the Blogs i like to follow ( posted this questionaire/ sruvey a while back and I said I wanted to do it as well SOOOOOO HERE WE GO!
1. Do you like Blue Cheese?
Yes! but only on a salad.. you migth ask where else would it be…? McAlisters Deli ( where i use to work and live) use to put it on their spuds! ECK !
2. Have you ever smoked a cigarette?
Yes definately not a proud moment of mine but in 2007 my BEST boyfriend at the time started smoking and I was so sad when i found out so I had 1 cigarette to see what made him change his mind to smoke. Needless to say I never tried it again.
3. Do you own a gun?
Nope BUT Fatty owns lots of them ! And a couple months ago i learned how to shoot it !!! SO BEWARE!
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at

5. Do you get nervous before doctor

No I just want to know what the scale is going to say :/
Do you like hot dogs?

Favorite iPhone app?

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
9. Can you do push-ups?
Ehh kinda sorta
10. What’s your favorite meal?
in the whole wide world? Hamburger Helper Cheeseburger Macaroni!
11. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?
My wedding ring is my prettiest piece of jewelry.
12. Favorite hobby?
Crafting and stalking Celbs
13. Do you work with people who idolize you?
I dont think so
Name a trait that you hate about yourself…

I hate that I have the hardest time talking to people especailly if i think they are important
get so nervous, sweaty.  I’m sure people get embarrassed for me.
Middle name…

Legally? Nelson
Name 3 thoughts at this moment…

im full from that poptart  i should be working and i have so much school work to complete
Name 3 things you bought yesterday…

inhaler breakfast braces
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink…

Water sprite i dont have a third
Current worry?

That i am wayyy behind on life
Current hate right now?

Having to spend so much time on school
Favorite place to be…

The beach./ traving in general
How did you bring in New Year’s?

at home with some friends watching my other half dance drunkenly
Favorite place to go?

What is your most recurring dream?

either im falling like the open credits of Rocky and Bull Winkle or at a bonfire and a little tiki pole is chasing me thes have been happening for YEARS
Introvert or extrovert?

What color shirt are you wearing?

None… :) .. Pervs
Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?

I don’t think I’ve ever slept on satin sheets.
Can you whistle?

Favorite Color…

Musturd yellow/ pink
Would you be a pirate?

What songs do you sing in the shower?

I dont sing in the shower anymore but when i was a kid i use to make up church songs in the tub
Favorite girl’s name…

None of your business .. because ppl steal names!
Favorite boys name…

None of your business .. because ppl steal names!
Who is your loudest friend?

What’s in your pocket right now?

No pockets.
Last thing that made you laugh?

Something someone in my office said
Bed sheets as a child?

either white or floral like
Worst injury you’ve ever had?

broke my hand in my 1st wreck
Do you love where you live?

Love? UHM i like my home but I wish i lived in a different state. But if i had to choose in Monroe I am a happy clam!
How many TV’s are in your house?

4 But the ones in my office and guest bedroom arent even plugged up
What is your worst habit?

Eating crap food
How many dogs do you have?

One Noella Nicol
Does someone have a crush on you?

I dont think so
Do you own slippers?

What is your favorite book?

I dont have one of all time.. BUT I appreciate Candace Bushnell for Sex and the City and the 1st series i remeber reading as a teenager was Gossip Girl then Eric Jerome Dickey and Zane took over my  high school life
What’s your favorite candy?

Favorite sports team?

48. Song you want played at your

None… I want people to be too sad to even listen to music ! I just want to make it to 105 !!!! PLEASE
49. What were you doing at midnight last

50. What was the first thing you thought of
when you woke up this morning?

I get to go to ORTHO TODAY!
Whew, that was a long survey.  Hopefully you
learned a little about me.


Oh followers.. Im sorry for the 2 week hiatus! I have been neglecting yall and everthing else in my life. LITERALLY ! Right now I am avoiding work by writing this small post.
Hows everyone doing? Has the heat gotten to yall yet? MY THIGHS are definitely feeling the pain! My brain is in overload and my fat is happily sticking to my bones (BASTARD FAT) My home is a mess and I just got out of a week long hatred for my other half. BLAH
I’ll be back soon tho so dont shed a tear :)

So within the last two days I have had my friends tell me about how horrible and lazy their boyfriends/ Husbands are ! All I could do while listening to these stories was to shake my head. Even though I hate my other half 360/365 days of the year there is just some stuff I know he would never allow me to do.
For instance .. paying his bills. I’m sorry I don’t care what your circumstances are there should be no reason that I have to pay your bills. You’re a GUY! Which means A you probably make more money than me. B You can perform better at certain jobs than I can. C. YOU'RE A FREAKING GUYYYYYYYYYYY USE YOUR DICK FOR MONEY ( okay not if you’re in a committed relationship or married { unless your partner is okay with that} ) I don’t know be a legal slut .. bartender or stripper or some crap!…
There is no reason girls that you need to be paying your mans bills… You love him? He does not have dependable family? He lays the dick down? I’m sorry none of these are an exception. I mean even if he is disabled he is getting some type of check. LOVE does not pay the bills!
On the same note Men who do not make enough money to cover their bills who let their girlfriends or wives get a second job . If you are a guy who fits that sentence. I need you to stand up drop your pants, spread your legs about a hips width apart AND SEARCH FOR YOUR FREAKING BALLS!! I’m pretty certain that you don’t have any! And you need to find them ASAP.
I blame all these circumstances on their mothers. Something about a woman and her son. All that babying screwed up your son and the only woman that is going to deal with it for a lifetime is your crazy behind!!!!
Shout out to my other half who works real hard, pays his bills, and lays it down. YEAH!!!

Im Almost Global

OH YEAH BUDDY>> This creeper is about to be GLOBALLLLLLL. NO ONE IS SAFE! Watch your windows because I’m looking in them! In Sept I am going on an awesome cruise to the Western Caribbean’s .BOO YAH. I’m excited because this brown girl loves the beach! And I’ve been wanting to go a cruise. I Had plans to go to Europe with a friend in March but those plans have been scratched :( BUT I'M KEEPING THE HOPE ALIVE! With another friend and hopefully by July! After that trip life will be complete.

I got a Puppy!!!


isn’t she precious? Shes a Yorkiepoo
Now someone tell me how to potty train her asap! Its only 2 months and I’ve had her about a month now !! So far so good minus the piss everywhere. ( I hate cleaning BUT I don’t want a pissy house)

7.8.13 Dirt Cheap Haul


Can I call this a haul? I went and bought stuff.. So I’m going to call it a haul okay? Okay.
Yall see all this lovely stuff? I got for $49.00 YESSSSSSSS
Majority of it is Target brand items.
I mean who doesn’t need : A Clorox Mop for $1.75, Picture frames for .50 life dividers .60 Table Owls $5.00 Owl S&P Shakers for $3.00, necklaces for $1.00, Watches ( normally $50 from target) for $3.00, Lamp Shades for $2.00, iPhone 5 case (Belkin) $3.00, ( Target Brand Tumblers) { that happens to match my other half’s bathroom set) for $1.00 and gift bags for .69 { I’m always giving people freaking presents}
SO Yeah !!! You jealous? Don’t be go to your local Dirt Cheap! Here is the link for you lazies out there!