So within the last two days I have had my friends tell me about how horrible and lazy their boyfriends/ Husbands are ! All I could do while listening to these stories was to shake my head. Even though I hate my other half 360/365 days of the year there is just some stuff I know he would never allow me to do.
For instance .. paying his bills. I’m sorry I don’t care what your circumstances are there should be no reason that I have to pay your bills. You’re a GUY! Which means A you probably make more money than me. B You can perform better at certain jobs than I can. C. YOU'RE A FREAKING GUYYYYYYYYYYY USE YOUR DICK FOR MONEY ( okay not if you’re in a committed relationship or married { unless your partner is okay with that} ) I don’t know be a legal slut .. bartender or stripper or some crap!…
There is no reason girls that you need to be paying your mans bills… You love him? He does not have dependable family? He lays the dick down? I’m sorry none of these are an exception. I mean even if he is disabled he is getting some type of check. LOVE does not pay the bills!
On the same note Men who do not make enough money to cover their bills who let their girlfriends or wives get a second job . If you are a guy who fits that sentence. I need you to stand up drop your pants, spread your legs about a hips width apart AND SEARCH FOR YOUR FREAKING BALLS!! I’m pretty certain that you don’t have any! And you need to find them ASAP.
I blame all these circumstances on their mothers. Something about a woman and her son. All that babying screwed up your son and the only woman that is going to deal with it for a lifetime is your crazy behind!!!!
Shout out to my other half who works real hard, pays his bills, and lays it down. YEAH!!!

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