Dirt Cheap Haul+ Baby edition

In preparation for having a kid in the most cheapest way possible, I hit up Dirt Cheap ! If you don’t know about Dirt Cheap, it's kinda like a savage yard. Our Dirt Cheap recieves a lot of Target items ( and other big retailers) that they happen to not sale in stores. For me that's perfect because I can get things that I was going to buy anyway for a discounted rate.

Down below I'll link my purchases ( what I can find) and what I paid for them at Dirt Cheap. 

1.Pink wash cloths Cloud island- $.60
2. Swaddle me- $2.00
3. Lansinoh milk storage- $1.35
4. Little Unicorn Muslin- $4.00
5. Cloud island hooded towels $6.00
6. Carseat insert- $1.00
7. Love to dream Swaddle Up- $2.00
8. Fisher Price Bouncer- $18
9. Cloud island playmat- $2.00


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