Check in + October 2017

Hey guys
 I wanted to take a moment to update you guys on what's going on in my life.I have been working really hard at work. As many guys know I work with kids and their families who are at risk of being placed outside of their home due to behavioral issues. My work life has not had much consistency lately and  can sometimes  be very very draining. Also I'm in grad school, I'm graduating in December.

Praise God!!!!!!!!

So I have a couple papers and just weekly homework to get done, as well as  a normal day-to-day life like a house, husband, dinner luckily JMN takes care of that majority of the time. But when I come home from work I'm drained.  I am sleeping which is not my norm but I'm thankful. I'm still just really tired and I don't have energy a lot of days.  This summer I literally traveled almost every  weekend. I went to Mexico, Waco,  Dallas, and took a family beach vacation to Orange Beach, AL. I have so many pictures that I want to update and show you guys . I want to make more of an effort to share  my life with you guys so thank you so much for being patient. Y'all are the absolute best.


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