
On Feb 2 we said yes to our first placement. CyCy is a 9 year old girl and oldest of 3. Before we said yes to her we got 6 calls for placements. We only said yes to one other case, which was a sibling case  a 1 & 2 year old boy and girl; but we only wanted one child and they were able to find a home for both of the kids which is great.

I wasn't sure how this was going to workout. And I didn't have any preparation for what would occur. Honestly right before the knock at the door I was on FT talking with Jasmine about random things that happened that week. She kept asking me why are you not freaking out YOU ARE ABOUT TO GET A KID. I didn't have an answer. Personally I had been praying for this moment for awhile now and I had full confidence that God would answer my prayers.

It's been a month since CyCy has been with us. I'm not going to lie I'm tired. I know kids do well with a strict schedule so we've tried our hardest to make sure  we abide by one. We wake up at 7 , handle our bathroom business, there's either fruit or cereal for breakfast, and while I'm combing her hair she has breakfast , and we wait on the bus that comes anywhere from 7:20-7:27. Then I go back to sleep, go to work until 5:15-5:30. Pick her up from after school care. We run whatever errand that we need . Then we take the dogs out , start homework, eat dinner, finish homework, bath, read, then bedtime hopefully by 7:45-830.  I am pooped by then.  It has been hard to find my own groove after that. I am so lucky that my work schedule is  flexible. So I can either get work done after she gets on the school bus or after she gets to bed.  CyCy loves her school and after school care. She has made several friends and she doesn't seem to completely hate living with us.

Now I'm not going to say we haven't had some hard times in this last month. One day we had a several  temper tantrums, and with those came the tears. But that's expected. This experience has definitely given me another look at single mothers and fathers Especially if they have more than one child. GEEZ. It truly takes a village of people to help raise a kid. It's hard occupying someone 24 hours a day and in our case 4 hours during the weekday and all day on the weekend. Thank goodness for grandmas, cousins, my sweet friend Jasmine that send a hair box that included things I didn't even think of, and Amy Hobbs for coming over the night we got her to bring over clothes.( I will have to tell you guys about that in another post)
I cant even begin to tell you guys how perfect CyCy was for our family. It really has instilled my faith  that God has a plan and he puts things in your path and heart for a reason. Also what is for you is for you because of being faithful to him.

Thanks for all the calls, txts, and well wishes guys. We truly appreciate it.

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