Baby Tam Tam Shower

 I loooooove throwing showers for people.

DISCLAIMER{ this does not include when people ask me to throw showers for people. I like to do things from my heart not from expectation}

My good friend Chels & her husband Dustin are expecting their second child, a baby girl in December. So a couple girls from work got together and threw her a shindig. One picture I missed was the food. ( I know that's something you wanted to see) We had meatballs, Hawaiian sandwiches, corn dip, Hawaiian dip, cookies, cupcakes, a fruit tray, and a veggie tray. ( hope I didn't leave anything out) It was delicious. And as you can see by all the cars there was a pretty good turn out.
Games,food, and presents! What else could you want ?!

I should have gotten a better picture of the tables and one of all the girls.... oh well

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