Drop 50 - Day 3

So Delta Anne decided to take Southern on a tour of subdivision today . So Delta is no longer allowed to go mogging with me . 
Tonight was pretty chilly which meant it was pretty amazing feeling.

4 laps around my neighborhood  for some reason my distance is different . I guess counting water breaks aren't acceptable ha
But check out that pace?!

My other new shoes . My feet felt better tonight but I think I wore the wrong socks . I have a very wide foot so the outer side of my left foot starts to hurt after so long .
Does anyone have problems with your headphones coming out on one side of your head? Maybe one ear canal is smaller than the other :/

Drop 50 : day 2

Yeah I'm not perfect ....

I use to do 3 miles in 40 minutes how is it that I can't even do 3 miles in 50 mins ...
Off to eat a bag of sunflower seeds :)

Project drop 50 - year 3

So maybe if I blog about it I'll hold myself accountable ... Really need to lose 50 lbs . Not lose 25 and think I'm fine I mean really lose 50 that leads to 75 . 

( yes I have a microwave outside my house - don't ask)
I spent 130 on this garmin like a year ago. For the life of me I can't get it work . So this is the last 2 labs around my neighborhood .
Since Hannah made me realize that running on the treadmill ( which I can do for 22 mins straight on 4.0) is nothing compared to the road I'm going to try running my in neighborhood .
This is pathetic. 

Got some fancy shoes while I was in Austin .. I'm sure you'll hear more about that in post to come .

Delta is pooped - and she pooped in two of my neighbors yards ( don't tell ) 

Anyone want to join for motivation 
9 at night ? My place of residence ? 
( no creepers please )

Target loves us

Threshold and Target love us and want is to be together forever.
.... I'm just saying 

Dr K Calhoun

The face you make when you have an appointment at a Doctor office and you wait for an hour to be seen.
Granted I called at 8 and made this appointment but if you didn't have time for me why did you say you had an availability??!
Waited an hour- got a shot in the "hip" which is totally your butt and send away after 5 minutes and meds sent to the pharmacy . ( eye roll)
I'm totally in the wrong profession.

Kitchen Remodel: Faucet

After researching faucets online and in Home Depot the day that our granite was being installed I literally had to make a decision 20 minutes before the workers arrived. Bad idea . Of course when I got to Home Depot they had the section blocked off and I'm Leaning on the gate trying to take pictures of the faucets so I can send to JMN .
After 15 of the 20 minutes I had to get back to the house we decided on this one .

Delta - magnetic head -soap-dispenser 
 Who knew faucets could be so expensive ?!


Remember a couple weeks ago I went to my friend Mallory's wedding ? Well you didn't think we actually went there and came home  did you ? Ugh no we are so not the boring type .
The next day we went to the Louisiana Boardwalk. I had to hit up my favorite stores Gap, Nike, and to my surprise they added a Torrid. 
I have never been to Torrid before neither have I ever purchased anything online. I have a friend who is obsessed and would tell me all the nice things she gets from there all the time .
This store was Jammed packed with goodies from sizes 12-28. They were running a buy one get one 50 percent off sale but even with that Torrid was a little too pricey for my pocketbook. We went to the clearance section and found really cute shoes . I currently wear anything between a 11w-13. So finding cute shoes are always a problem. Thankfully Payless has stepped it up to allow me to have functional shoes for work.
So for humor I decided to look at the size of the shoes and I picked up a 12. I couldn't believe it . There were 11s 12s and 13s.
 Then I went I look at the price which BLEEW my mind 2.49 another pair was 11.49 and another was 9.49.
I had to go through them all because that never happens.

My friend Becca grabbed her some too.
When I got home I actually looked Torrid up online to see if they had great prices online too but unfortunately both pair of shoes that I purchsed  were 29.99 each .

Torrid has been at the Louisiana Boardwalk since April 2014 so for all of you plus size ladies out there go check it out !

( This tragic outfit is brought to you by AMN2 {Target nightgown- torn Old Navy leggings, Gap cardigan, payless boots, borrowed fabulous scarf, and a borrowed beret}

The morning after ...

There's a possibility That we are no longer  able to party....
Shoutout to Denny's

When Mal married Cal

The tale of a fantastic wedding with pictures .

Tgi Fridays

There's nothing better than a sizzling chicken and cheese, Mango lemonade, and a peanut butter pie from TGI Fridays !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Texts from January

Sorry guys I am not protecting the innocent this time.