Being Thankful

I know thanksgiving is over but over the last couple of days I have several things that I have thought about that I need to be verbal about . Since this is my blog aka my venting source here we go !
I am thankful for 
... My life, being alive, and the oxygen and blood that are running through my veins. Life is temporary and I have known that since I was a small small child . 
... I'm thankful for my family . Although I don't know / communicate or with majority of them . I'm grateful for the 2 people who raised me. 

I feel like I should have an order to this and I don't want it to.
... My home. A safe place to lay my head. A place to dance when I have a good feeling in my heart . A place to have friends over and a place to store my memories .
...My job, it's not very often that someone takes a chance on a loud opinionated Restaurant manager . But I am so thankfully that people believe that I can help others make a change in their life. 
...friends,  I have a lot of people who have come and gone the last year  but I really enjoy sharing my life with them. There are too many experiences that we've shared and I'm only wanting to add to them.
... I think it takes a special kind of woman to be independent . Some people take it as being bitchie, rude, or mean . But I thankful to be able to think wisely for myself and demand respect from others . And not having to use my body as a selling point. 
... Going hand and hand with my last one I'm thankful for JMN . I usually call him my other half . Some people have a problem with the phrase . But that is just what he is . We compliment each other . Rib & rib right ? And I appreciate and respect the love he gives me. I am also thankful for a man who is a good man. Because pickings are slim . I don't know many who have college degrees , who works hard , and achieves all his goals. On top of not being a scandalous male whore with kids with half of the northeast la. A man who loves his family and takes cares of them . I married a great man . And I have no idea how I became so lucky .
... I'm thankful for being able to have the financial stability to see this world. I'm thankful for all the places I have made it to and from safely. 

That's just a snippet of things I'm feeling convicted to share. Happy Thanksgiving !

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