Day 3 (30DOB) Music makes life better

So life has been pretty shakey here the last two days. Looks like my procrastination and honesty got me in a little trouble at work. But I will not get into details on here . SOOO I am spending my lovley Saturday at the office. ( whomp whomp whomp)  I decided to download Spotify Premium and crank up the music . At the present moment this can be called Club WAA because Jenifer Lopez On the 6 is bumping and when "Lets get loud " came on I had to get up out my chair and salsa Aye AYE AYE. Music makes the world go round !
Yall go repurchase this cd!

When your best friend decides to get married.....


 Once upon a time in a land farrrr farrr away that people who have common sense do not visit ( HELLO LOUISIANA) Girl meets girl and bond over music, being an outsider, and nerdiness. This is the story of my BFF Misti and I. We've been friends since the 6th grade. ( thats a good quality friendship) Then this heifer decided to be a genius and graduate high school early and move to Baton Rouge  which is 3 hours away from where we lived . Girl follows the love of her life down south to were worlds collide . I'm not getting into all that but my BFF is marrying her high school sweetheart. Ain't that cute? OH love how sickening ! RIGHT?

Girl meets girl but guy still girl heart...

Day 2 (30DOB) Procrastinating

Alright so technically today was suppose to be day 3 I am already failing. But I have a real good excuse. SO you know sometimes you have paperwork to get done at work and you wait until the last minute to complete it . BUT your friend happens to be a YouTube freak and y'all have to sit and watch interviews of Lil Moe on Power 105.1 instead of doing your actual work. yeah...... I didn't get home until like 10 and I hadn't seen my other half all day AND I HADDDD to be at work at 8:30 today. I know some of y'all are like I have to be at work at 8:30 everyday . And personally I'm sorry for you. Once a week I have to stop pushing snooze and speed my way to work ( 15 min away) and be in my supervisors office amongst 6 other happy go lucky morning people. ( Psychos)
So that set the precedent for the day . But I did get some work done btw 1:50-5. I was very proud of myself. Today was my friend Mackenzie's birthday lunch. So we went to El Jaritto ( El Gagritto) It was actually really fun even though I was daydreaming the entire time.
I still have one more file to do so I am gonna try REAL hard to wake up at 6:30 and get it done. Wish me luck

Day 1 {30DOB} Blogger/Blogging

So I stayed up until 11:30 last night trying to figure out how to work Blogger. I had a major headache and I couldn't even figure out what I needed to get done.  Can someone tell me how to purchase a domain? Like from the bottom!!! Yes people I want to be legit! I want a .com! When you have a .com you are the shiz.
I previously had 2 blogs 1 when I was like 14/15 ( no one wants to even know about the depressing crap that I wrote about .. woah is me I'm fat with no boyfriend whaa whaa whaa) . Then in January my friend Anna and I started on a blog on Wordpress . Neither one of us made consistent posts about anything remotely important but its AdventuresofAA if any of you guys want to read it. It was suppose to be an amazing blog with music, makeup,books, and TV show reviews but ehhh it didn't happen. Anna has gotten her on personal blog via Blogger( I'll give you a link later apparently I'm locked out of my IG) So you can creep it.

So things you might expect from me in this blog
-My lows & highs of weight loss
-Rants of life
- LOTS of pictures
- Craft time
-Summaries of excitement from TV shows you prob will not care to watch
                               OH and misspellings of words because I am no genius
Sounds good? Awesome!

Hey Yall

I am kicking off this new blog with 30 days of posting. So everyday for 30 days I will be blogging about SOMETHING! If anyone has any specific topics email me @