The most refreshing drink of childhood. The Icee

So today as i was trying to make a conscientious decison on what i am going to eat for a early dinner.I am going to be working late I chose Subway. Well the closest Subway to where i work happends to be in a Chevron gas station. & upon entering the happiness that only a child born in the 80s in the horrible temptered state of Louisiana would understand overwhelmed me. The sight of that fuzzy polar bear that you can only assocaite with Coke a Cola during Christmas ad is splashed across this machine that is usually sticky and making horrific noses. & there he stands!!!! In a stupid knitted sweater and no pants. At this very moment i am quielty praying for a good flavor. Someone in the ICEE corp. thinks that everyone wants Coke or DP ICEE and im like HELL NO! Give me Bubble Gum, Peach, Raspberry and on a desperate occasion ill take a Strawberry. To my surprize Raspberry is the flavor of the day and i am moon walking in my flats to the excitement that this machine has granted me. ( no really, this is happening in the store)
Now the fat choice would to get a 32 oz and the inner skinny dream within me says AMN {yes i refer to myself as AMN in my mind} get the 14oz. So i made the decison to not depreive myself but to not over indulge. {Fat kid high 5) So all this brings me to this important question. WHERE ARE ALL THE ICEE MACHINES? There use to be in every conveient store. Now there are these nasty slushy machines and even when they are good flavors they taste disgusting mixed together. GROSSS Who doesnt enjoy a good mixed drink?? {peach & cherry? tea and long island? bubblegum & bananas? Gin & juice? HELLO} i want to protest against these horrible corps who thinks these nasty slushies are what the new American children should grow up on!

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