Skinny pants where Art thou

Hopefully tomorrow I have something inspiring to say about the fact that there is not a skinny bone in my body….. Or how I managed to get married being well over 200lbs. Yes girls! there are no secrets here. Motivation left my spirit a long time ago. But I am hoping that it returns soon. If you have just began reading this blog then scroll down and read a section from the Huffington Post by Brittany Gibbs??? ( hope I didn’t butcher that name) Then come back up to this post
How many people agree with what that post has to say? One of the most frightful things is moving up a size. And in a moment of desperation you can think of all the things and people who have contributed in the effort that made you have to do this. We have all had that moment in the dressing room when you pull something over your head and you keep tugging and then you realize that you have just run out of material and nothing else is coming over those boobs { or butt or arms { this does not apply if you have a rather large head} . Bigger is always better they say. But in fine print it says only in certain places. BASTARDS!
Then you have that friend who is just like { insert name}  ” you are so beautiful” “Haven’t you lost weight? ” It might just be the brand ” usually after one of those sessions I go bury my feelings in a bag on Peanut butter M&Ms and the next day ill “forget” breakfast as an effort to make up for the peanut buttery dinner I had the night before. ha! People reading this DONT JUDGE ME! M&Ms might not be your guilty pleasure but I know you secretly binge on something in mass quantities!
About a month ago I walked into my friends office which I do every morning. This is a full proof way to see if  I  look decent or a train wreck. My friend was like ” I LOVE your sweater! are you wearing skinny jeans?” in this high pitch excitement but when I informed her that I don’t own skinny jeans she gave me this deflated “oh.” I’m sorry my flat behind friend skinny jeans aren’t the most flattering things on my shape. But maybe one day. Until then I shall continue to hide my voluptuous assets in leggings and cardigans .

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