There is nothing (currently) that brings me a high like getting something on clearance or super cheap. The cardio my debit cards get is truly unmatched.
Thursday, November 12Deeper : why are products different prices at different stores ? Like what’s the wholesale price for deodorant? Everyone uses it. Why does this cost big money ?
Same with toilet paper, tooth paste and don’t get be started on tampons. On another note. Did y’all know most of these brands are producing harmful products that we are putting in and around our bodies ?! I’m truly confused. When I first heard of honeypot I can’t quite understand the big deal but once it was explained I said WHAT! Why are these other people still on the market ?
Guys we have to live better. That includes myself !
If you run a household you should be couponing ! The basic house hold needs laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper etc you are going to always need it. Might as well get it cheap.
Here are some people you need to follow on YT
City coupon mom
One cute couponer
Bree the coupon queen
Savings with sha
Let me know how it goes.