Misadventures of Awkard Black Girl+ Review + Issa Rae [11.2016]

As the years have gone by I really wish I could remember how I came to know about Issa Rae. I'm not sure if it was the webseries on YT or one night I was just doing some deep creeping and it lead me to her. Whatever it was I am thankfully because I feel like I am not as lost as I once was when it came to exisiting in this world. Truly being an awkward black girl myself, this book was comfronting and hilarious. I really can not imagine how I managed to grow up being half of the person I am today without having this type of representation of myself in the media.

Awkward Black Girl is an honest telling of  Jo-issa's upbringing. This book tells us about  living in the west coast, east coast, and visiting Segal, friendships, insecurities, and learning herself through experiences and pushing herself to go through not only what was expected of her but what felt good at the moment.

I loved this book and was so glad that I could find it at my local library as a audio book. I also purchased it from Target .
Check out The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl on YT. Theres 2 seasons. :)