Falling in love with someone who doesnt belong to you.

What an interesting title . I could take this so many ways but what I am going to speak about today is fostering. I have some friends who foster . They got a call for a newborn and cared for her for 4 months. Out of the blue one day their fostercare worker called and asked for her to be brought to the office because her paternal grandparents will now be the ones caring for her.

After reading that whats the first thing that came to your mind? OMG? oh no? Good for the grandparents?  A newborn what was the mother doing? That poor baby? etc?

Did anybody think about my friends who were caring for this child for the first 4 months of her life?

Since fostering I've had a lot of friends who commend  me but tell me they just couldn't do it. They couldn't love and care for a child and that child leave their home. Honestly, that was the hold up for JMN. He didn't want to be  invested into someone and then they get ripped from his life.

 As this happened to my friends I consoled them. I tried to uplift them , and encourage them through this process. I have yet to have a child placed back home. So I don't know how that may feel. And honestly I may never know that feeling because I have a 9 year old and that bond may not be as deep. But one thing I am sure of is that as foster parents we come in at a devastating points in these kids lives. Our job is to make them feel comfortable, console them, teach them, keep them safe, and love them. The problem is some of them may have never witnessed any of those things. So there maybe a battle.

I'm not sure how it's suppose to work when they are returned home. Acoording to the training. We Are suppose to become supports for the family. But how many people do you think want to be friends or rely on the people who cared for their kids while they were deemed " unfit?"

How do you properly grieve for a child whose gone home or been moved? Foster parents and kids both suffer. How do you start again without being a little scorned? bitter? Or even give your all to the next kids. I am unsure.

When I reread my title it sounds a little crazy but really. Why do you fall in love with someone who doesn't belong to you?

" This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters . If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be that person?  Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and truth."
- 1 John 3: 16-18

Where have I been?

I've been a little discouraged to blog lately and also busy as hell. 
It's funny because I read a lot of blogs and when they started telling their real life family and friends that they blogg it was scary for them and I didn't really understand why.
When I started this blog I told my friends and I put the link on IG. I have not been embarrassed or scared to write anything on here. I recently realized I hadn't been writing about the  right thing to cause an uproar. But now that bridge has now been crossed and lets say not everyone made it to the other side. ( insert appropriate emoji here)

Disclaimer: 98.6% of my blog posts are scheduled. Meaning I write things in advance days/ weeks/ months apart and pick a random date for them to publish. I will never under any circumstances edit the material that I write here. And if I take a break better believe when I get my second wind I am going to come back full force. So watch out inboxes. 

How has everyone been doing btw? Did you miss me?


The rich keeps the poor, poor. 
How do I know this ? LaundroMats!  Do you know how much money it took to wash & dry 5 loads of clothes ?  $25!!
What's sad is that it only takes $200-$800 a piece to buy a washer and dryer. If you spent $25 a week you would have that much in 2-4 months. However I do understand that it is hard to save money. Also other things come up or not everyone has washer dryer hook up at home. Which completely sucks but if you do STOP BEING ROBBED!

Thick girl Thursday: Ashley Graham

I was introduced to Ashley Graham a couple months ago. She is a gorgeous model that has taken the world by storm. She is best known for being the first curvaceous model on Sports Illustrated. Ashley and a gang of girls are advocating the Plus size model stigma. Also being sexy in your own skin no matter what that skin looks like.


(All images retrieved from Google image)

I wish I was in New York

Today there's going to be a monumental concert at the Barclay center in Brooklyn, NY for B.I.G.'s Birthday.  Although I am not a big fan of B.I.G. I still realize that he paved the road for a lot of other raps. And I also recognize that a lot of rappers steal his lyrics ALL THE TIME. What I'm really upset about is Diddy, 112, Faith Evans, and Lil Kim. There's an entire roster of amazing artists that's going to be there. All I can hope is that this concert is well received ( which I think it will be) and they decided to have another one somewhere down south ( ATL, New Orleans, Dallas) and I'll  sell an arm or leg and go see it. OR that someone puts it on YouTube. But I would rather see all these amazing people in person.

To refresh your mind.
Spit Yo Game
Nasty Girl
Crush on you
Never gonna let go
Peaches and Cream

Extra tidbits

Breakfast Club Interview with Diddy
Barclay pt. 2

Pearl River, La: Microtel Inn & Suites

Most of you know I am a real cheap skate. So instead of getting a hotel in New Orleans we stayed in Pearl River at the Microtel Inn & Suites. The rate was $50 a night and they had a pretty great breakfast . I like Microtel and stayed at my very first one last year when I went to Breaux Bridge for a friend's wedding.
Premises were super clean and the staff was nice. What else can you ask for?


I found this picture of Pocahontas on Pinterest from a Buzzfeed article. Pocahontas is my favorite Disney Princess. In the 3rd grade I had a necklace, earrings, bracelet, and a dress I wore all the time. I even kept my Pocahontas McDonald's toys for way too long.

I wonder if this short hair was apart of her original character what that would have changed for me and the other little girls watching this movie. There's so many things that really stick in your mind as a child of what is beautiful and what is not.  Shorter hair might have changed that view for us.

Book Review + One Night+ Eric Jerome Dickey

I rented this book on tape from my local library. It has 10 disk roughly 12 hours of audio.
The book is about the events that occurred in one night.
Honestly I did not like this book. Which is shocking because I never NOT like a book.  I really hated the female character. I thought she was weak minded and clingy. Yes I know not everyone portrayed in a book is going to be in control and strong blah blah blah. But come on. In some of the scenes I was like why are you doing this? Wasn't there a better way?

I will say that I enjoyed the end of the book . Eric Jerome Dickey really is great at creating mysteries that unravel in the end of the book.
Good Reads

AMN 1/5

Check out some of the other Eric Jerome Dickey books I've read. 

Walking with Enemies + Dying for Revenge+ Resurrecting Midnight
A Wanted Woman

Book Review+ Decadence+ Eric Jerome Dickey

Decadence is a continuation of a character name Nia Simone Bijou. I rented this book on tape from my local library. It has 14 disks. I have been a fan of Eric Jerome Dickey since high school. His books actually made me start back reading when I was in high school. Which I think is a big thing. I know a lot of people have an issue about " romance novel, smut, or what I like to call it Erotic.  But I think its better to read about it than do it. Or just finding something you're interested it.

+ I like continuing characters in book. It really makes them seem real. Plus you know you hate it when you read a good book and you are just wondering what happened to that entire scenario.
+ I love characters starting strong females.
+ The connection with Nia and her mother is pretty awesome.
+ The back story in the book really catches you up so it doesn't seem like you missed out by not reading the other books. ( which I haven't yet)
+Sex scenes are very descriptive
+I like the relationships that Nia has with the main 3 male characters.
+ The book ends on a good note.

I hope I get to read more about Nia Simone Bijou

Check out Eric Jerome Dickey's other novels.