
Everyone has it . And no one likes to talk about it . But yet people flaunt everyday . Brand name clothes, fancy cars, hair styles etc.

Everyone wants it. Have you seen reality TV these days? You have people who were homeless before shows ( no shade) and on the show living in beautiful homes. Or saying that they own homes knowing dang well they don't even have the credit to get into the neighborhood. Why are we so hush hush when it comes to money? Do you feel the need to tell everyone around you what you or your family has? Y'all money speaks for itself. There is no need to run around and tell everyone what you have. Also money associates with money. Check your friends!

(dance break )

What about your friends
Will they stand their ground
Will they let you down again
What about your friends are they gonna be low down
Will they ever be around or will they turn their backs on you
( insert butterfly arm waving dance)

That is all!!!

GRE Fail

Helllo Peeps!
Today's post is inspired by the For those of you lucky bastards who do not know what  is- it is  where students go to register for standardize testing that you must complete to either acquire your Bachelor degree and to get into Graduate School.

I took the GRE ( Graduate Record Exam) for the first time in Nov 2011. I am very weary of standardize testing for several reasons.
1. They are expensive
2. They measure if you are smart or not.
3. They are super strict. You are basically treated like a criminal.
4. The room is dead silent. All you can hear is maybe someone typing in the background.
5. You are staring at a desktop from like 1990s.
6. You aren't allowed to get up unless you raise your hand for permission.
7. You can not wear headbands or earrings.
8. And they give you a mug shot that is displayed on your computer screen until you come back to your seat.
9.  AND the  GRE is 4 1/2 hours.
Who in the entire hell has time for that?

The first time I took the GRE I borrowed some Vocab words from a friend from high school. Thanks Serena! (I still have them if you wanna pick them up)
I didn't study anything else and when I got to that test I was so shocked at the amount of information that was before me I forgot all those dang words. I still managed to get a descent score . Which is now converted to 150 139

This time around I was motivated- ish to ACE this test. The school that I am trying to get into has a deadline of July 31. So i procrastinated just enough. July 28 at 5pm I took the test at a Promestic Center in Flowood MS. Yeah you read that right. I had to travel 2 freaking hours to take this forsaken test.
But I did get to enjoy some Whattaburger - Michelle Branch and Natalie Imbruglia otw so the trip wasn't a complete waste of time.

Since the test was 4 1.2 hours and i live 2 hours away I took off work and I go to the facility 3 hours before the test actually started. Guess what? I got to that the test 2 hours early. Boo yah hoess!

Long story short after running in and out of my house 5 times, driving 2 hours, stuffing my face on the interstate, singling obnoxiously loud, praying like a mad woman, and looking like someones grandmother in public ( y'all i wasn't cute) . I made a 157 139. I improved but i did not make the scores i needed to apply to the Grad school of my choice.
But you know what. I am not even upset about it. Because what is for me is what is for me  and at this moment it isn't the path I need to take. So i am going to take a break watch some 90s TV. And in about a month or two i will start studying again. I might actually have someone to tutor math to me. ( oh what a challenge that will be)

Being Southernly Plump

I woke up this morning and guess what I'm still fat !?!?! I can't tell you how disappointing it is to wake up from several days of eating well or tracking and the scale is the same weight or more . But today I weighed 5lbs more than I did the day before .
 I am getting to the point where none of my clothes are fitting the way they use to . I can only shop at certain stores, and I am returning a lot more clothes because I refuse to try things on in the store. Someone please tell Old Navy that the curtain dressing rooms are not appropriate for people who have large butts and boobs? I mean this isn't amateur night . I need to get paid if i am going to standing in my underwear in front of strangers. ( this is neither here nor there)

Let me tell you my favorite foods.
Cheese fries
Cheese & CRISPY Bacon Burgers
Hamburger Helper Cheeseburger
seriously Reese's needs to endorse me for the amount of product that I push on everyone around me and the shameful looks I give people when they tell me they don't eat peanut butter. ( YES YOU MB)

Although I am speaking about all of this in a joking manner i am very serious about the amount of weight that I have on this 5'6 1/2 frame. (halfies does count)  I refuse to be one of those people who are fat shamed, binge eat, who doesn't eat in front of everyone because I think they are being  judged. But I am tired of being the fat girl everywhere I go. Like what happen to my fat friends? Didn't we use to travel in packs? Didn't we use to share clothes and talk about all the skinny hefas with no shape?

Remember in high school when everyone thought they were fat and I was actually what is now considered ' thick' OHHHH THE HORROR!

Do you know someone had the nerve to ask me to go to a state fair the other day? They didn't even want to ride the rides they wanted to eat all the fried foods. ( side eye) Is this what the world has come to?
Shout out to GAP, Old Navy & Target for making adorable clothes for women with a little junk in their trunks, and bunks.

Landrys Vinyard

Anyone watch Duck Dynasty? Remember in the last season Willie was going to buy a vineyard ? Yeah? Well it was Landry's and no they are not selling their vineyard. One of JMN's good friends Jarvis and his fiance invited us to go on a tour of the vineyard. it was soooo peaceful.
I'm thinking when we renew our vows this would be a great location.
(Yes I did say renew our vows)

Nikon Navity : Kristi and Amber Navarre Beach

A more experienced photographer would have known that it is not a good idea for your camera to go from cold to warm in 2.5 seconds. I am obv no where near what I would call a photographer. I brought my Nikon from Northeast La to Navarre Beach to take some beach photos of  friends . When I got out to the pier I couldn't get my camera lens to focus. Lets be honest I couldn't even see out of it. It was like FROZEN. Olf was skating across my lens.

I got out  my handy dandy iPhone and still took some nice photos.

Did you check out how beautiful the beach is. Love that place!



I do not own public places. So if I see you out at the mall, Wal-Mart, Target , OPP, or any other public place you should not run away. I am an adult and I will not attack you! The most you will get from me is an eye roll or a side eye if I am feeling feisty. If you are so afraid just act like I don't exist  it will cause you to look less like a fool.

That is all!